Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Springer's Article on African American Women Essay

Springer's Article on African American Women - Essay Example She argues that feminism has lost its connection with empowerment. Women remain locked into a life of being there for everyone else while trying to maintain a sense of self. The bitter black woman image perpetuates the loss of empowerment or loss of self. "For the films discussed in this essay, when black women leave work and become homemakers they lose themselves and their connection to being black" (272). This means that black women negate their freedom, and will be seen as lazy for not remaining in the workforce. Black women now have an important duty: to remain educated and uphold the race through continued achievements (272). Through these achievements, black women are then viewed as divas or evil black bitches. The term diva formerly described lauded opera singers, but is currently defined as "a powerful and entertaining, if pushy and bitchy, woman" (255). The evil black bitches image has risen due to editing methods utilized on reality t.v. shows. These women are seen as villains, manipulate other persons and situations, and are hostile without reason. The power of editing making it possible. According to Springer, the image that is portrayed within the play Diary of a Mad Black Woman is the bitter black woman.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Research approach and strategy analysis

Research approach and strategy analysis In this chapter researcher has presented the problem of the research and empirical analysis has been done primarily with the in depth interviews and also used secondary literature for back up. This chapter will start with research method followed by the philosophy applied for the research. Research approach and strategy are further discussed, which will be applied during the data analysis. Researcher has further discussed the data collection method, used for the findings and discussion. Finally, concluded with the ethical constraint and limitations of research in the research. This research investigates the causes of employee in the Indian call centre industry. Formulating and clarifying the research topic is the starting point of your research project (Ghauri and Cronhaug, 2002). The Indian call centre industry is facing a huge challenge of employee turnover today which is effecting the growth of call centres in India and also loss of revenue. The HR managers have implemented various strategies to retain employees. But, still the employee turnover is at peak and in this competitive industry, its critical to find out the key reason for turnover and the present strategies in practice by the managers to reduce the turnover. Thus, the purpose of the study is to look at the key factors of turnover and best practice to minimize it, by addressing following questions: Identify the factors leading to employee turnover in the Indian Call centre industry. Find out how Recruitment and Training can contribute to Turnover. Establish the issues faced by Call centre Managers in India due to turnover. Find out the effective retention strategies by HR Managers in India. Establish whether there are any other best practices or innovative ways to reduce the employee turnover. Research Method Researcher has followed the Onion process illustrated by (Saunders et al, 2003) to start the research with the best possible outcome. F:Powerpointpe_ukPE083-SaundersFinal_FilesGifch04C04NF001.gif Source:  © Mark Saunders, Philip Lewis and Adrian Thornhill 2006 Researcher has used the onion process as the research method and has followed the pattern judicially through out the chapter. The researcher has started the chapter with the outer part of the onion which is research philosophy. Here researcher has tried to explain the philosophy which he is going to use in the research. Secondly, the research approach is been discussed to find out the correct approach for this research. Researcher has gone to the next layer by discussing the research strategy followed by time horizons. Data collection method is done in the last phase of chapter and have disclosed the appropriate method used in the research. Research Philosophy The research philosophy depends on the way you think about the development of knowledge(Saunders et al, 2003). Many authors have discussed and defined research paradigms. To Guba (1990, p.17), a research paradigm is a basic set of beliefs that guide action. Research paradigm helps in understanding the investigation better as business and management researchers we need to be aware of commitment towards philosophy we make through our choice of research strategy. Johnson and Clark(2006) argues that the important issue is not so much whether our research should be philosophically informed, but it is how well we inform are able to reflect upon our philosophical choices. Corbetta (2003, p.13) presents a list of research paradigms as follows: Explanation Understanding Positivist Post-positivist Interpretivist There are two main paradigms named positivism and Interpretivism. Positivism was originated in nineteenth century, by French and English cultures and the further development was steered by the French culture (Corbetta, 2003).Positivists adopt the positive stance of the natural scientist(Saunders,2003). Corbetta (2003) says positivist paradigm is the study of social reality utilizing the conceptual framework, the techniques of observation and measurement, the instruments of mathematical analysis, and the procedures of the natural sciences. Positivism is a epistemological position that advocates the application of the methods of the natural sciences to the study of social reality and beyond(Bryman,2008). The methodology is highly structured so that replication can be facilitated. (Gill and Johnson, 1997 cited by Saunders et al,2003). Interpretivism emerged with the criticism of positivism, from researchers. The first criticism attack was made by German philosopher who said they are non homologous to the natural sciences, (Corbetta, 2003) and hence its not possible to separate researchers from their critics. Interpretivism helps in understanding the difference between humans in our role as social actors. Weber (1904, cited by Corbetta,2003) brought the concept of Verstehen into sociology which was more inclined toward objectivity rather than subjectivity of social science both in terms of general nature and value judgment. The Interpretivists aim at exploring the complexity of social phenomena with a view to gain interpretive understanding(Collins and Hussey,2009). Interpretivism overlooked the positivism approach towards subjectivity and used objectivity approach, built on the interpretations of individuals to understand the society. This opened the new era of sociological research with positivism being the forme r, the study of everyday life.(Corbetta,2003). In my case The research in planned to explore, what are the key reasons for employee leaving the organization and what can be done by HR managers to reduce the turnover. The researcher has chosen the Interpretative philosophy as the research has to deal with social issues. It has the elements like working culture within the organization, employee dissatisfaction and relationship with the management, this research aims to locate some complex social issues. The researcher conducts the in depth unstructured interviews observing the participant response to gain the understanding of research. The researcher feels Interpretivism is the most suitable method to do the further research. Research Approach According to Saunderss (2003), Deductive and Inductive are two main approaches which can be practised. Even though it does not hold any practical value, researcher argues that inductive approach owes more to Interpretivism and deductive approach to positivism. Inductive approach is generally is a bottom up approach and deductive approach is vice versa. Inductive approach starts with observation, then analyzing the data and finally developing the theory of the outcome. Deductive approach is in scientific research most of the time where you already have collected data, consequently you develop a hypothesis and decide whether to accept or reject and finally come to the conclusion with the statistics and data.(Burns and Burns,2008). It involves development of a theory that is subjected to a rigorous test and the attempt is made to verify the revised theory by going back to the first step and repeating the whole cycle(Hussey and Hussey, 1997 cited by Saunders et al,2003). Deductive theory is been criticized because of its rigid methodology that does not permit alternative explanations.(Saunders et, al). Inductive Approach Deductive approach Source :(Burns and Burns,2008) In Inductive approach, researchers look into the empirical observation and draw the conclusion based on it and in Deductive approach the conclusions are made through logical reasoning. The researcher argues that inductive approach in not 100% sure about the conclusions because it is based on the empirical observation, the other approach may not be true in reality, but it is logical (Gauri and Grenhoug, 2005). The inductive approach strength is that without an understanding the human interpretation in this social world, you can make a cause-effect link between two variables.(Saunders et al,2003). Hussey (1997cited by Saunders et al,2003) says deductive approach is a dominant approach in the natural sciences where law provides the basis of explanation, permit the anticipation of phenomena, predict their occurrence and therefore allow them to be controlled. However, the science philosopher Popper (1959, cited by Gauri and Grenhoug,2005) argues though there is no such thing as objective observation and thus since theories can never be proven to be true, they can only be proven to be false. Inductive approach is generally related to the qualitative research and the deductive approach to quantitative research. Quantitative and Qualitative are the two main research methods (Blaikie, 2004). Quantitative research is generally concerned with the measurement and qualitative do not. (Layder,1993, cited by Gauri and Grohaug 2005). In qualitative research we are inclined towards the meaning and interpretation of the functioning of organization, social environment and relationships unlike in the latter where the findings arrive with statistical methods. The main difference between these research methods is not the quality but the pattern, they follow, it also depends upon the different perspective and the objective.(Gauri and Gronhaug,2005). The researcher has used the combined approach for the research as it gives the best outcome possible and gives more advantage to the research.(Saunders et al,2003). Qualitative Research phenomenological inductive holistic subjective/insider centered process oriented anthropological worldview relative lack of control goal: understand actors view dynamic reality assumed; slice of life discovery oriented explanatory Quantitative Research positivistic hypothetico/deductive particularistic objective/outsider centered outcome oriented natural science worldview attempt to control variables goal: find facts causes static reality assumed; relative constancy in life verification oriented confirmatory   Source: Cook and Reichardt (1979) In my case In order to answer the research queries, research has to understand the human behaviour and the functions. Data collected from small number of carefully selected samples on relevant issues can be sufficient in this case (Patton, 1990, cited by Gauri and Gronhaug, 2005). It was not possible to float the questionnaire across the call centre due to lack of time and availability. Therefore, researcher has conducted in depth interviews with the team member and managers of different call centres. The interviews are done via telephone because it was easily accessible and saves cost. Also it can be done in less amount of time and quickly. The only draw back is the researcher would not be able to witness the non-verbal behaviour because the interviews are not face to face interview. Researcher has tried to get the data of the research through value, needs and feeling of the employees by asking them open ended questions. The researcher has used simple and understandable language and has been c hoosy with the terminology. This will be a qualitative research in which researcher will provide the result on the basis of interviews. As researcher has also used literature to guide the questions, used combined method approach is used to get a better result. Research Strategy According to Saunders et al (2003), research strategy will be a general plan of how you will go about answering the research questions(s) you has set. It will give you a clear picture of your strategy being applied on the case and will give you a clear objective of your research question also will tell the specific source considering the constraints like access to data, time, location, ethical issues etc. There are different strategies which can be used depending on your research method: experiment, survey; case study; grounded theory; ethnography action research; cross sectional and longitudinal studies; exploratory, descriptive and explanatory studies. These strategies can be used according to the need of the research and cannot be limited to one strategy, if the research demands, researcher can use multiple strategies. (Saunders et al, 2003). In my case The researcher uses the exploratory strategy in order to meet the objective of the research. The strength of exploratory study helps you to give a strong backing to the finding by clarifying it and getting close to the objective. The researcher has conducted semi structured interviews and has covered the questions through in depth interviews. Also few of the questions have been omitted and added as per the need of the interview. With the growth of natural science philosophers became increasingly aware that a deductivecan only bring out what is already implicit in its premises, and hence inclined to insist that all new knowledge must come from some form of induction.(Stebbins, 2001). The qualitative data and inductive approach has been approached to enhance the interpretation of data. Time Horizon There are two types of time horizons, Cross sectional and longitudinal. Cross sectional is generally referred as snap shot because it is conducted in a short period of time and Longitudinal is when a research is done through over a period of time, it is also called Diary. In my Case Due to constraint of time, researcher had to take a snapshot at a particular time. The interviews are conducted over a short period of time using the qualitative method and whilst taken the cross sectional study. The cross sectional study is being approached to get the result for the research. The key factors for turn over and its resolution is calculated by conducting face to face interviews over a limited period of time. (Saunders et al, 2003). Data Collection It is very important that a successful research project must be based on high quality though process and research design must be based on flow of logic and number of assumptions which must be able to stand up to the closest scrutiny.(Saunders et al,2003). The research population for this study entails different managers from different companies. There are HR managers and operations managers being interview from the senior management including the Team Leaders. Also different team members from different call centres were picked to make sure there are no biases. (Saunders et al, 2003). Using Primary Data through Interviews Semi Structured Interview An Interview is purposeful discussion between two or more people(Kahn and Cannell, 1957 cited by Saunders et al, 2003). Due to the shortage of people to fill the questionnaires, researcher has attempted to contact the potential interviewees by conducting semi structured interviews. According to Ghauri and Gronhaug (2005),To be able to run the interview efficiently and without any disturbances, the researcher needs to know the respondent, his background, values and expectations. Keeping all this in mind, researcher has tried to fulfil all the expectations. Interviews are often considered the best data collection methods and can be done vial mail, telephone or in person. Interviews Interview by phone Personal Interview Interview by mail A typology of interviews Source: Ghauri and Gronhaug(2005) The researcher has conducted all the interviews via telephone and recorded it due to time and constraint; otherwise researcher had to go to India to conduct the face to face interviews. Researcher was able to gather valid and reliable data for the research question and objective through these interviews. Through semi structured interview, researcher covered the set of questions with the interviewees. Researcher preferred semi structured interview because it was in expensive and the database to sample was not huge, also it gave freedom to use the question according to need of the situation. Researcher has prepared open ended questions and has made two different sets. The first set is made for the team members and has two different scenarios, first being the current job and the second is on the previous job experience if applicable. The second set of questions is for the managers which will discuss the impacts of turnover and the best practice which can be implemented in Indian call centre industry. When you are undertaking an exploratory study, or a study that includes an exploratory element it is likely that you will include qualitative research interview in your approach (Cooper and Schindler, 1998). As researcher have talked to interviewees to find out the reason of turnover(Why do they leave) and also what can be done to minimize it?, basically their beliefs and behaviour in respect to turnover, the exploratory compliments the semi structured interview very well by adding value to it. The researcher has ensured the quality of the primary data was unbiased and reliable. The researcher has tried be unbiased while conducting the interviews with both managers and team members ensuring there is no hierarchy biases. Researcher has ensured that the interviews were compiled in short period of time keeping the constraint of time in mind. It took just 3 days to transcript the interviews and making sure that data was valid and accurate. Also interview had taken the permission before hand from the interviewees and did send the voice recording for their reference. This has omitted the possibility of data being misplaced or misused in a short period of time.(Ghauri and Gronhaug,2002). The interview questions are included as a part of Appendices (Appendix A and B). Access to Data Researcher got the access to interviewees by emailing the research questions to the employees and the managers in the Indian call centres. As researcher has 5 years of working experience working in the same industry, it was easy to approach the managers and the team members for the interview. They all are the inbound call centres with different customer service processes. Researcher managed to conduct interview with 5 managers from different call centres and 7 team members from different call centres again. All the interviews lasted between 30 to 45 minutes and the permission was taken by the interviewees. Interviewees are from Wipro, American express, SITEL India and V care, all these companies are the leading call centres in India. The interviewee is conducted with the operations manager, training head and HR manager from 4 different call centres in India and team members participated from 5 different call centres. All the participants are Indian, 11 male and 2 female have particip ated in the interview. The managers and team members are mostly graduates who have pursued their education from different universities. Most of the employees participated are from Gurgaon, India which is the main hub of call centres. The interviewee in the research will be abbreviated as Interviewee A, Interviewee B, Interviewee C, Interviewee D, Interviewee E, Interviewee F, Interviewee G and Interviewee 1, Interviewee 2, Interviewee 3, Interviewee4, Interviewee5 as employees and the mangers respectively, with their opinion based on the interview questions. Using Secondary Data Researcher has used the primary data as the main source, but has also referred to some of the journals for better insight. The secondary data has collected to compare with the interviews to make the base even stronger and has added value to the research. In this research, qualitative secondary data has been studied which comes under the category of compiled data, which has helped to get an inference on the turnover in the India Call Centre Industry. The author has assured that the secondary data collected is from repute cites and the data is absolutely valid and reliable. Qualitative Data The research study is analysed on the basis of qualitative data in a well planned manner and the approach is inductive, therefore the qualitative data will reflect the inductive approach. (Robson 2002 cited by Saunders et al, 2003) has said the qualitative data are the characterized by their richness and fullness based on the level of exploration of the subject, whilst researcher has concentrated in the qualitative data, which remains the key factor for the research with the interpretation of data. Researcher has used the exploratory strategy among the different methods to find out the result. The strategy adopted is Interpretivist, semi structured and inductive type of qualitative analysis.(Saunders et al,2003). In my case Researcher has taken in depth interviews with the managers and the team members of the different call centres through semi structured interviews. Secondary data has also been used marginally in order to back up the primary data. Researcher has conducted the first phase of interview with team members to find out the key factors of turn over and then with mangers to find the best practice to minimize the turnover through qualitative data. Research Methodology Overview The summary of the research methodology is categorized below for reference. Phase Method Research Philosophy Interpretive research philosophy Research Approach Combined approach inductive and deductive Research Strategy Exploratory method Time Horizon Cross sectional which includes indepth interview with different call centre managers and team members. Research Data Collection methods Semi structured interview and secondary data Ethical Constraint Wells defines Ethics in term of a code of behaviour appropriate to academics and the conduct of the search. It is important that the interviewees be aware of the transparency of the data. They should be mad aware of, for what purpose the interview is being conducted and to what extend will that be used for the academic purpose. The research should keep the ethical constraint in mind and without harming the research population to humiliation. (Saunders et al,2003). In my case Researcher has given ethics the highest priority to ethics as it can lead to integrity issue. Researcher has assured that the data provided by the respondents are kept confidential as per the laws of Call Centres and have hidden their original identity. Researcher had to face constraint while getting the interviews done with the managers of different call centre. The researcher has assured that all the interviews were recorded over the phone and has kept it with him securely as it is confidential. Researcher has also pre informed the purpose of interview to the Managers and the team member. However they have been assured that the names used will be different due to integrity issue and will be used only for the academic purpose. Limitations of Methodology The major limitation of the research is the time constraint and the availability of interviewees. The researcher wanted to go to India, personally to conduct the interviews, as the research is based on the Turnover in Indian call centres. Due to time constraint, researcher had to take interviews over the phone in a limited period of time. Also, due to less availability of interviewees, researcher could not conduct the surveys, but had to settle with the in depth interviews. The researcher has taken interviews with manager of reputed call centres and also with number of team members. Grix, J.(2004) The foundations of research. Palgrave Macmillan. Saunders, M., Lewis, P., Thorn hill, A(200) Research Methods for Business Students 5th ed. Essex: Pearson education limited Corbetta, P(2003) Social Research: Theory, Methods, Techniques. London : Sage publication Collis, J., Hussey, R.(2009). Business research A practical guide for undergraduate and post graduate students. 3rd ed Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Burns, R., Burns, R(2008). Business Research Methods and Statistics using SPSS.London: Sage publication Gauri,P., Grenhoug, K(2005)Research Methods in Business Stuidies. England: Pearsono Education limited Blaikie, N(2004) Designing Social Research. Cambridge Polity press. Stubbins, R(2001)Exploratory Research In The Social Sciences.[online]. Available from:

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Renaissance (1400-1520 Ad) :: essays research papers

The Renaissance was â€Å"A revival or rebirth of cultural awareness and learning that took place during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, particularly in Italy,† according to Art In Focus. It followed the Middle Ages, and was basically a time of the revival of learning after the Middle Ages, or Dark Ages, a time with little increase of ideas, inventions or developments. During the Renaissance, art was a branch of knowledge. It was a way to show God and his creations, as well as a science, of anatomy and perspective. Also during the Renaissance there were many people who used art as a way to record discoveries and inspired people to take pleasure in the world around them. In 1452 AD, a genius named Leonardo da Vinci was born in a small town called Vinci. He was the illegitimate son of a local lawyer. When he was small he loved to draw pictures of plants, insects, flowers, animals, and birds. When Leonardo was in his teens his father took him to Florence, Italy, to study at the workshop of Andrea del Verrocchio. When Leonardo was twenty, he was so good at painting that he helped his art teacher finish his painting. Not only was Leonardo an artist, but he was also an architect, musician, sculptor, scientist, inventor, and mathematician. He kept detailed records of all of his inventions in his notebooks, which he wrote backwards so nobody could steal his ideas. One of his sketches in his notebook was of a skull. He used lines possibly to measure the length and the width of the human head. He might have done this to be able to paint the human head in proper proportion, and more life like. Leonardo painted very realistically, as you can see in the painting Ginevra de’Benci, which is of a young lady. Another advancement of Leonardo’s was to make his backgrounds very detailed and in proper aerial perspective. The techniques he might have used in his paintings are as follows: He would first cover a wood panel with gesso then, rough in the figures on the panels. The major forms were then modeled in a brownish tone. He would also use his fingers as well as his palms for the under molding. He would then use a fine â€Å"minever† brush for details. Leonardo was a genius in his approach to art and many other areas of study.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

South Africa Gdp Compared to Brazil’s

Personal quote: Through economics, engineer the world†¦ ECONOMICS 232 BRAZIL- SA REPORT Introduction In 2010, South Africa joined The BRIC and set its level of ambition not only as an African leader, but also as an emerging world class economy along Russia, China, India and Brazil. This report will analyze and look at the economic trends and fluctuations between the later and South Africa from the year 2000 to 2010 using released World Bank data. AnalysisAccording to the World Bank, South Africa GDP was of about one hundred and thirty two billion in 2000 while Brazil’s was at six hundred and forty four billion Dollars. Over the following decade 2000 – 2010, the two economies registered a considerable and equal improvement of their total production with a respective increase of 41 % for South Africa and 42% in the case of Brazil. The GDP per capita on the other hand increased at a lower rate over the same period. While South Africa leveled up by 22. 4%, Brazil bette red its GPD per capita by 25 . %. This further entails a GDP yearly increase of $ 1095 /capita with regards to the former, and $1409/capita for the later. A better look at aggregate expenditure components will provide more detailed resources in explaining the above increase of GDP within the two economies. In 2000, South Africa and Brazil consumption by households ( C ) was about 63% and 64% of GDP, largely above the rest of the components where total gross capital formation ( I ) lied low with 16% and 18% respectively, and lastly a total government expenditure ( G ) of 18 and 19%.As it appears, the two economies spent relatively equivalent proportions of their expenditure aggregate component on GDP. At the end of the decade,2010, total consumption ( C ) rose by 49 % for both economies, Investment ( I ) strongly incremented by 93% with regards to South Africa and 52% in the case of Brazil which correlated with a respective increase of 3. 17% and 45% increase in the money supply in b oth countries over the period.Parallel to the increase in GDP, the two economies registered noticeable increases of Gross Value Added ( VGA ). In fact, between 2000 and 2010, South Africa VGA increased by 38% while Brazil as usual experienced a little higher accretion of 41 %. Looking at sectorial contribution, tertiary sector imparted for more than half of total VGA in 2000 as illustrated by the graphs below. 1. 1 South Africa World Bank 2000 data analysis : Sectorial Contribution to VGA . 2 Brazil World Bank 2000 data analysis : Sectorial contribution to VGA In 2010, South Africa tertiary contribution to VGA only increased marginally by 3% and hence moved from 65% in 2000 to 68% in 2010 where it leveled up to Brazil’s. Conversely, primary and secondary sector contribution deteriorated between 2000 and 2010 . The South African primary sector declined from 3% to 2% while the secondary also experienced a marginal decline of 3%.On that point, Brazil went through proportional ch anges with secondary sector falling from 28% to 25%, leaving the primary with a small yet surprising amelioration of its contribution from 5. 60% to 5. 86% . Graph 2. 1 and 2. 2 provide a more visual depiction of the above facts. 2. 1 South Africa World Bank 2010 data analysis : Sectorial contribution to VGA 2. 2. Brazil World Bank 2010 data analysis : Sectorial contribution to VGA Besides the above increase in VGA, another important factor to be onsidered is how the level of openness of both countries drastically evolved over the decade 2000 -2010. South Africa exports incremented by 13% while Brazil’s skyrocketed by 86%. This implies that Brazil opened to the rest of the world at a much higher level, local firms growing into world competitors, which not only appreciated the country’s currency but increased its competiveness and decreased dependency on imported products. South Africa imports increased by 73% in contrast to Brazil which only increased by 21%.This high level of imports from South Africa will eventually result in the deterioration of the balance of payment. Moreover, while Brazil rate of unemployment oscillated between 6 and 9% over the decade, South Africa experienced a rather high rate of unemployment, the lowest in 2007 and 2008 with an average rate of 23% and the highest between 2002 and 2003 with an average of 31%. Conclusion This report deciphered and revealed an objective analysis of two BRICS economies, precisely South Africa and Brazil over ten years, 2000-2010. Erouane Langard 747 Words

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Unit 4 Business P7

P7: Outline electronic and non-electronic methods for communicating business information, using examples for different types of audience. The first type of information that I am focusing on is written information that is on screen, the form of the communication is a PowerPoint presentation which is used electronically to present information to members of staff. In Sainsbury’s they hold meetings regularly and my example of a time is when they had a new product that was coming into their store, the presentation explained the product and how they can promote it.This information is internal as it is in the business its self explained to its target audience who are the employees. The non-electronic method that Sainsbury’s have explained this new product is through posters, they are put onto the notice board for their target audience that is the customers. The purpose of the electronic and non-electronic methods of this information is to keep customers updated but also the me mbers of staff, the audiences are satisfied for the way that the information is presented to them.The second type of information that I am going to explain is verbal, the form of communication that is used is face-to-face and DVD’s. The target audience for the face-to-face information is the customers, an example of a non-electronic method is in Apple store there is a member of staff who would stand and present themselves to members of the public. Their aim is to sell the product and explain as much information as they possibly can, the benefit of this is that customers can ask questions and they can be answered directly then and there.The electronic method is the DVD’s that are handed out to the target audience the employees to watch about the new product that the company has brought out. This sort of communication is suitable for the employees as they can watch the video of the new product as many times as they need to learn more about it. The third type of communica tion is multimedia, this is an electronic form and the target audience is members of the public. I am going to focus on the company Costa that created an advert for their target audience, business men and women.Costa sells various hot and cold drinks to either sit in or take away, the advert is directed to business men and women as in the advert they state, â€Å"For the hard workers on the go, sit in for a drink or take away back to the office†. The disadvantage that Costa has with their advert is that it costs allot of money, it has a time limit of how much information they can show and the target audience would have to be watching the TV at the time.The non-electronic method is billboards that are shown to the general public, the target audience is then for everyone who is able to buy their drinks, the billboard shows their coffee being delicious and puts across a short message to make people buy it. This is a useful way of communication as it attracts all types of people and not just aimed at one sort of person, this would build up the amount of potential customers.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

How to Write a Perfect Home Health Aide Resume (Examples Included)

How to Write a Perfect Home Health Aide Resume (Examples Included) with an aging population, home health aides have one of the most important (and fastests)How to Write a Perfect Occupational Therapist ResumeHow to Write a Perfect Physician Assistant Resume (Examples Included)How to Write a Perfect Receptionist Resume (Examples Included)How to Create a Perfect Retail ResumeHow to Write a Perfect Sales Associate Resume (Examples Included)How to Write a Perfect Social Worker Resume (Examples Included)How to Write a Perfect Truck Driver Resume (With Examples)

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on Role Of The Government In Healthcare

Resource allocation: Changing the Face of Health Care in the United States Abstract Healthcare resources utilization, could the United States develop a more efficient system? If the Government and the Private Sector working to work together all Americans could have quality, affordable and access. By decreasing the number of agencies, combining and/or removing unnecessary and redundant, involved the system it could be streamlined helping to funneling most the dollars into actual patient care, reemphasizing the patient the true focus. Utilizing Healthcare Resources In the modern, idealistic, politically correct, self righteous society that is America we are at the bottom of the pile when it comes to meeting the basic needs of our own society, currently a large segment of Americans do not have access to quality healthcare services and some Americans to none. Some have basic services, work full time but when major illness strikes what little they have accumulated evaporates in the flash that is the cost of healthcare. Should not all Americans have access to quality healthcare? Government, the Federal, should step up to the proverbial plate taking a leadership role in the U.S. Health care system. Available delivery of quality healthcare should be of primary concern. This is not only true because it is humane, the right thing, but for economical advantages. The economy is dependant on a, if not happy, at least a healthy work force. This has been studied ad nauseam by big business looking for ways to increase productivity. In the past phys icians have been collectively against government involvement in health care, clamming no big government it will ruin our healthcare system. The loss of control i.e. treatment options, by physicians to Insurance Companies, is a small part of the frustration felt by not only physicians but patients and there families. Physicians also face rapidly falling reimbursements and increasing costs o... Free Essays on Role Of The Government In Healthcare Free Essays on Role Of The Government In Healthcare Resource allocation: Changing the Face of Health Care in the United States Abstract Healthcare resources utilization, could the United States develop a more efficient system? If the Government and the Private Sector working to work together all Americans could have quality, affordable and access. By decreasing the number of agencies, combining and/or removing unnecessary and redundant, involved the system it could be streamlined helping to funneling most the dollars into actual patient care, reemphasizing the patient the true focus. Utilizing Healthcare Resources In the modern, idealistic, politically correct, self righteous society that is America we are at the bottom of the pile when it comes to meeting the basic needs of our own society, currently a large segment of Americans do not have access to quality healthcare services and some Americans to none. Some have basic services, work full time but when major illness strikes what little they have accumulated evaporates in the flash that is the cost of healthcare. Should not all Americans have access to quality healthcare? Government, the Federal, should step up to the proverbial plate taking a leadership role in the U.S. Health care system. Available delivery of quality healthcare should be of primary concern. This is not only true because it is humane, the right thing, but for economical advantages. The economy is dependant on a, if not happy, at least a healthy work force. This has been studied ad nauseam by big business looking for ways to increase productivity. In the past phys icians have been collectively against government involvement in health care, clamming no big government it will ruin our healthcare system. The loss of control i.e. treatment options, by physicians to Insurance Companies, is a small part of the frustration felt by not only physicians but patients and there families. Physicians also face rapidly falling reimbursements and increasing costs o...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Wofford College Admissions Data

Wofford College Admissions Data If you are interested in attending Wofford College, know that they accept about three-quarters of those who apply. Learn more about what it takes to get into this college. Founded in 1854, Wofford College is a private liberal arts college affiliated with the United Methodist Church. Located in Spartanburg, South Carolina, Woffords 170-acre campus is a designated National Historic District, and it was recently designated as the Roger Milliken Arboretum. The college has an 11 to 1 student/faculty ratio, and students can choose from 26 majors. Woffords strengths in the liberal arts and sciences earned it a chapter of the prestigious Phi Beta Kappa Honor Society. In athletics, the Wofford Terriers compete in the NCAA Division I Southern Conference. Wofford easily made my list of Top South Carolina Colleges. Will you get in if you apply to Wofford College? Calculate your chances of getting in with this free tool from Cappex. Admissions Data (2016) Percent of Applicants Admitted: 70Â  percentGPA, SAT and ACT Graph for Wofford AdmissionsTest Scores: 25th / 75th PercentileSAT Critical Reading: 520 / 630SAT Math: 530 / 640SAT Writing: - / -What these SAT numbers meanSAT comparison for South Carolina collegesSouthern Conference SAT score comparisonACT Composite: 24Â  / 29ACT English: 23 / 30ACT Math: 23 / 27ACT Writing: - / -What these ACT numbers meanACT comparison for South Carolina collegesSouthern Conference ACT score comparison Enrollment (2016) Total Enrollment: 1,683Â  (all undergraduate)Gender Breakdown: 48Â  percent Male / 52 percent Female99 percent Full-time Costs (2016-17) Tuition and Fees: $40,245Books: $1,200 (why so much?)Room and Board: $11,635Other Expenses: $2,454Total Cost: $55,534 Wofford College Financial Aid (2015-16) Percentage of New Students Receiving Aid: 92Â  percentPercentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 91Â  percentLoans: 46 percentAverage Amount of AidGrants: $27,639Loans: $7,143 Academic Programs Most Popular Majors: Biology, Business, Finance, English, Political Science, PsychologyWhat major is right for you? Sign up to take the free My Careers and Majors Quiz at Cappex. Graduation and Retention Rates First Year Student Retention (full-time students): 86Â  percent4-Year Graduation Rate: 78 percent6-Year Graduation Rate: 80Â  percent Intercollegiate Athletic Programs Mens Sports: Football, Soccer, Track and Field, Volleyball, Cross Country, Basketball, Baseball, Golf, TennisWomens Sports: Basketball, Soccer, Golf, Tennis, Volleyball, Track and Field, Cross Country Interested in Wofford College? You Might Also Like These Schools Clemson University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphFurman University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphCollege of Charleston: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphDuke University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphCoastal Carolina University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphDavidson College: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphWake Forest University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUniversity of South Carolina: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphElon University: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT GraphUNC Chapel Hill: Profile | GPA-SAT-ACT Graph Explore Other South Carolina Colleges Anderson | Charleston Southern | Citadel | Claflin | Clemson | Coastal Carolina | College of Charleston | Columbia International | Converse | Erskine | Furman | North Greenville | Presbyterian | South Carolina State | USC Aiken | USC Beaufort | USC Columbia | USC Upstate | Winthrop Wofford College Mission Statement mission statement from Wofford’s mission is to provide superior liberal arts education that prepares its students for extraordinary and positive contributions to society. The focus of Wofford’s mission is upon fostering commitment to excellence in character, performance, leadership, service to others and life-long learning. Data Source: National Center for Educational Statistics

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Hydraulic Fracturing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hydraulic Fracturing - Assignment Example 168). Moreover, the proppants are graded and suspended in the pressurized fluid, and they include white sand, ceramic or spherical manmade particles. In this scenario, it allows the gas trapped in the shale and other minerals to be forced to the surface (Maule et al. 168). Furthermore, despite the benefits of hydraulic fracturing, it raises concerns on environmental matters. The greatest threat is to the human wellbeing and groundwater pollution (Maule et al. 168). In addition, fracking has made life expensive in the neighborhoods where it is carried out. I have let to the increase of rent rates and change of the natural landscape. Most worrying is the fast disappearing off the natural forests that are slowly being turned into factories of finding fossil fuel. The other disadvantages associated with hydraulic fracturing include congestion of trucks, noise from fracking sites and many other environmental problems. The environmental changes brought about by fracking have risen concerned amongst people, government and nongovernmental organizations concerning the safety of the environment (Vergano 1). The other demerits include the expansion of this activity into urban centers whereby drilling is carried out 24 hours a day. Some small farmers have leased their land for and forced them to, leave their native land and go elsewhere because of the environmental issues like noise and air pollution. Fracking can also cause earthquakes. The report that was released this month by the National Research Council shows that fracking does not have high risk to earthquakes. However, it cautioned that deeper disposal of the wastewater could trigger quakes like the ones that shook Youngstown in Ohio State last year (Vergano 1). According to Marketline, companies involved in hydraulic fracturing have not publicly published their reports concerning the leakages they have had or the environmental dangers of fracking (Marketline 19). In this

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Dell Company E-Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Dell Company E-Business - Essay Example In order to analyse the organization of Dell Company, its micro environment need to be evaluated with the help of Porter’s five Forces. It is one of the most recognised analytical tools utilised in maximum organizations among others. Bargaining power of the Suppliers: the bargaining power of the suppliers is extremely high and so the organization of Dell Company had to communicate with varied suppliers in order to attain the raw materials.Bargaining power of the buyers: the bargaining power of the buyers is also quite high in this segment due to the presence of numerous competitors such as IBM, Apple Inc, Acer etc. As a result, the level of switch over costs of the customers is also extremely high that may hinder the growth and dominance of the organization of Dell in the market to a considerable extent. Therefore, in order to retain the level of sustainability and supremacy in the market, the organization of Dell desired to offer inventive products and services to its custome rs. This might increase the loyalty and consistency of the organization in the market among many others. Threat of new entrants: the threat of new entrants is also quite high in this sector due to effective government policies and lower economies of scale. Due to which, the organization of Dell had to offer high concentration over research and development. This might prove effective in developing newly inventive product lines so as to attract a wide range of customers towards the brand that may enhance its profitability.

Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 27

Leadership - Essay Example This action was obviously unfair and created low morale that significantly affected job satisfaction, motivation, productivity and performance of the greater number of personnel employed by the organization. The authoritarian leader exemplifies an autocratic style of leadership where the leader relies primarily on their manifested power and authority within the organization to get things done. An example is a leader in a manufacturing company who dictates to the followers the activities and strategies that are to be done and implemented in ways that have been clearly and explicitly defined by the leader. The participative leader, on the other hand, encourages team work, participation and collaboration among members of the organization, whose contributions are seen as instrumental in achieving identified goals. Using the manufacturing organization as an example, the participative leader would solicit inputs and comments from his subordinates in process or operations that could be improved based on the professional opinion of his colleagues. (materials, man, money) are owned by the organization and their roles as leaders is to be manage, govern, administer effective utilization of these resources to maximize potentials and to minimize costs. An example of this style of leadership is one who looks after all the resources of the organization and, as entrusted by the owners, the leader sees to it that potentials for utilization of these resources are optimized and maximized to generate the most effective profits with the least costs. Finally, servant leadership was premised on putting all other facets of the organization first rather than his own. An example is a leader who â€Å"devote themselves to serving the needs of organization members, focus on meeting the needs of those they lead, develop employees to bring out the best in them, coach others and encourage their self-expression, facilitate personal growth in

Fine Art - Social Class as Seen Through Art from the Renaissance and Research Paper

Fine Art - Social Class as Seen Through Art from the Renaissance and the Great Depression - Research Paper Example But as both these periods introduced sea changes in the existing social patterns, the works of art of both these peiods were also a balancing act between hope and despair. Morover, they were a balancing act between the tastes of the dominant and the oppressed classes- more so the art of the great depression era. This is evident when the works of art of thes periods, as against the socio-economic backgrounds, are examined. During the renaissance art period, a fuedal social system was just about to transform into a capitalist society. But during the great depression, capitalism was already the norm though people were realizing for the first time in history, that all the hopes ensued by capitalism were after all not that real. The audience-Renaissance Art It has been observed that, â€Å"the art public of the Renaissance consists of the urban middle class and the court society of the residences† (Hauser, 6). This was because these groups in the society were the ones who had a say in matters of power. The working class consisted mainly of agricultural laborers and craftsmen who had no role in the political processes of the society. Art was unaffordable luxury for them. And the consequence of this situation has been that the renaissance art mostly catered to the elite and urban middle class tastes. ... evolving into middle class representations, the art of this period also developed itself into a preamble to capitalist views on life and creative expression. Renaissance art mainly decorated the mansions of kings and elites and also the wealthy churches (Woods, Richardson and Lymberopoulou). For example, Jean Hey was entrusted with the task of decorating the Bourbon Court of France (Woods, Richardson and Lymberopoulou, 14). The other side of this social phenomenon was that there was always a â€Å"level of material wealth that might afford one work of art but not another† (Woods, Richardson and Lymberopoulou, 14). And what naturally followed was that artists were prompted to create an elite class art under the aegis of their patrons. The audience-Great Depression Art When it comes to the art of the great depression period, the situation was totally opposite to what has been said above. It can be seen that â€Å"many artists became disillusioned with capitalism- the U.S. econo mic system- and turned to left-wing politics† (Damon, 14). And above all, many artists even used their art to support the proletariat class (Damon, 14). For example, Guglielmi, who was a renowned painter, was very much vocal in his support of the working class and his painting, ‘The Relief Blues’, showed a an urban family signing up to get relief funds from the government (Guglielmi). By following the path of realism, art could thus win a big audience including the working class and art became more appealing to the masses in this period. Murals, photographs and posters became popular and they created an interface between art and craftsmanship (Doss). The Artist- Renaissance Period In renaissance art, artists showed a tendency to revive the feudal values through rejuvenating classical art from

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Medicine river novel Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Medicine river novel - Research Paper Example The role of king describes different opposite dimensions that becomes a part of ironic content of the novel for the readers (Robinson). The photography profession of Will is an ironic situation of the novel. The illustrations and true descriptions of the pictures have double meanings in the novel. For instance, the half black foot woman, and the confusing photographs of the photographer’s father. In simple words, whole novel surprises the readers by introducing different parts (Robinson). The title of the novel needs different perspectives to look. Main reason of the title is to show a connection towards Native Americans and their identity, throughout the novel content. The fictional town in the town describes an approach towards the title of the novel. Living behaviour of the Native Americans in the novel signify the impression of the title of the novel â€Å"Medicine River.† The characters of Will and Harlen have different thoughts to make the readers study. A combination of different characters and their activities make the title meaningful. Strengths of the Native Americans are shown through living in the â€Å"streams† in the presence of dominant cultures and traditions. The solutions of the mentioned problems in the novel make it a clear description through its significant title (King). The novel, Medicine River is a description of a contrary group living who are known as the first nation of Canada. There are eighteen short chapters in the novel. Main story of the novel is developed by a protagonist, Will, in the good-natured, fashion through conversations, and different flashbacks towards the earlier parts of life. The role of Will is very important in the novel, as he enters the town as a stranger and becomes the part of native group very quickly. In the Medicine River novel, Thomas King starts a story of a small group of people by reflecting the nation as a whole. The

Financial Management (Currency Risk Management) Essay

Financial Management (Currency Risk Management) - Essay Example Suppose a U.S tourist flies from New York to London then to Paris then to Munich and finally back to New York. When he arrived at London’s Heathrow Airport, he goes to the bank to check the foreign currency listing. The rate he observed for US dollar is $1; this means that $1 will cost him â‚ ¬ 0.6814. Assume that he changed $2000 for â‚ ¬1362.8 and enjoys a week vacation in London, spending â‚ ¬500 while there are saving â‚ ¬862.8. At the end of the week, he travelled to Dover to catch the Hovercraft to Calais on the coast of France and realizes that he needs to exchange his â‚ ¬862.8 remaining Euro for Swiss francs. However what he sees on the board is the direct quotation between Euro and dollar and indirect quotation between franc and dollars. The exchange rate between any two currencies is called the cross rate. Cross rates are actually calculated on the basis of various currencies relative to the USD$. For example the cross rate between Euro and French fra nc is computed as follows:Therefore for every Euro he would receive 0.009923 Swiss franc and arrives at Czech Koruna, he again needs to determines a cross rate. This time between Swiss franc and Czech Koruna to find the cross rate he must divide the two dollar basis rate.First, we assume that our traveller had to calculate the entire cross rates. For retail transactions it is customary to display the cross rate directly instead of a series of dollar rate. Second, we assume that exchange rate remain constant over time. Actually exchange rates vary every day, often dramatically.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Medicine river novel Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Medicine river novel - Research Paper Example The role of king describes different opposite dimensions that becomes a part of ironic content of the novel for the readers (Robinson). The photography profession of Will is an ironic situation of the novel. The illustrations and true descriptions of the pictures have double meanings in the novel. For instance, the half black foot woman, and the confusing photographs of the photographer’s father. In simple words, whole novel surprises the readers by introducing different parts (Robinson). The title of the novel needs different perspectives to look. Main reason of the title is to show a connection towards Native Americans and their identity, throughout the novel content. The fictional town in the town describes an approach towards the title of the novel. Living behaviour of the Native Americans in the novel signify the impression of the title of the novel â€Å"Medicine River.† The characters of Will and Harlen have different thoughts to make the readers study. A combination of different characters and their activities make the title meaningful. Strengths of the Native Americans are shown through living in the â€Å"streams† in the presence of dominant cultures and traditions. The solutions of the mentioned problems in the novel make it a clear description through its significant title (King). The novel, Medicine River is a description of a contrary group living who are known as the first nation of Canada. There are eighteen short chapters in the novel. Main story of the novel is developed by a protagonist, Will, in the good-natured, fashion through conversations, and different flashbacks towards the earlier parts of life. The role of Will is very important in the novel, as he enters the town as a stranger and becomes the part of native group very quickly. In the Medicine River novel, Thomas King starts a story of a small group of people by reflecting the nation as a whole. The

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Tort Law Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Tort Law - Case Study Example ‘ACE sports’, as the organisation, was responsible for building the brand new backboard and rim in the school playground where the accident took place. It can be ascertained as one of the potentially liable entities in this scenario as depicted a significant extent of negligence in preparing the backboard and especially rim. The rim had small loose metal prices which can be a result of a lack of focus on product quality by the company. It should have given top priority towards ensuring and building a safe and a secure sporting arena. Also, the topmost priority should have been given to the fact that all those athletes (mainly school students) who were involved in this activity were needed to be assured of proper first aid facilities in the arena itself. Moreover, the surgeon and the nurse had made contributions in Bobby’s surgery but they could have assisted Booby in a better manner. Based on the provided instance, it seemed that the surgery was completed in such a hurry that it got declared that by mistake Bobby’s left wrist got amputated instead of his right. Consequently, it is found that in order to address the scenario an additional corrective surgery took place which resulted in Bobby losing his both wrists. This scenario refers to severe negligence from the part of doctors as in such a critical medical exigency the concerned authorities depicted a lack of focus towards their work which became fatal for an innocent individual Bobby. Also, the nurse who assisted Bobby seemed to perform those activities that did not make much of a sense. The nurse told Bobby to put pressure on his wounds that do not seem appropriate at all. Moreover, there was huge gap that seemed to exist from the part of City General hospital as it did not seem to comply with basic medical standards. The hospital did not provide medical services to Bobby as he was running out of finance and during the time of emergency, Bobby’s mother did not receive any kind of response from the insurance agencies as well (Smith, 2009). Occurrences of these events ended up in Bobby getting refused in terms of receiving proper treatment at the City General hospital and he had to be shifted to a local country facility for undergoing treatment in an urgent basis (Lafferty, 2008; Statsky, 2011). Elements of Negligence There are essentially four elements of negligence that seem to reflect from the part of the healthcare professionals: Duty: The first and foremost aspect in a healthcare unit is to perform one’s duty in an orderly and appropriate manner. If anyone is found to be not complying with the medical standards in performing his/her basic duties then it can result in negligence (Okrent, 2009; Statsky, 2011). Breach: These aspects are considered to take place when one does not seem to obey the medical or industrial standards and comply with the basic rules (Statsky, 2011). Causation: It is an act which generally reflects inappropriate behavi or from the part of the medial care unit that results in causing harm to the patients who undergo treatment (Statsky, 2011). Damage: Damage is a very serious element of negligence which brings about harm to a patient in the matters associated with health and safety (Statsky, 2011). All the elements of negligence apply to ACE Sports, the nurse, the surgeon and City General as all of them were found to be involved in activities that greatly

Monday, October 14, 2019

Overview Of The Company Almarai Business Essay

Overview Of The Company Almarai Business Essay The founder of Almarai is HH Prince Sultan Bin Mohammed Bin Saudi Al Kabeer who recognized the potential to transform the traditional dairy farming in Saudi Arabia in order to meet the needs of a growing domestic market. Numerous agricultural projects were developed under his guidance to achieve the objective of the company. Almarai stepped into the market with the processing of fresh milk and laban into the modern dairy farms. The Company has invested heavily in technologically advanced production facilities and recruiting the right person for the right job. Almarai is considered to be the second and the larger Central Processing Plant with a new cheese plant along with it. On a daily basis, Almarai is capable of serving high quality and hygienic products to more than 43,500 customers within the GCC countries. In 2005, Almarai moved from being a privately owned Company to a publicly listed company and it has over 70,000 shareholders. In 2007, with the acquisition of Western Bakeries, Almarai expanded its product line to include bakery products which improved distribution, and product innovation. The success of Almarai is because of its unique infrastructure which includes farms, dairy, juice and bakery processing plants. And also it is determined by the marketing and distribution expertise, all of which are working towards delivering a quality product to the consumer. Product / Services Details Juices: Almarai always uses the best fruit to make the juices that the customers love. It maintains good balance between good health and great taste. Home Snacks: Snacks products are the tastier and the simple one which would give relishing taste. Yoghurts and Desserts: Pure and calcium-rich favorites for the entire family. Desserts are made from 100% natural, fresh cows milk. Culinary Products: Almarai provides the tastiest cheeses, and richest creams which makes mothers work easy in the kitchen. Dairy Liquids: There is a complete range of delicious laban and milk based dairy products for the entire family. Kids Products: Kids products prove to be a fun and a healthy bunch for kids. Product Mix and Product Line Product Mix Product Line Juices Home Snacks Yoghurts and Desserts Culinary Products Dairy Liquids Kids Products Mixed Fruit, Strawberry, Alphonso Mango, Orange with Pulp, Orange, Orange and Carrot, Apple, Mango, Mango Mixed Fruit, Fruit Cocktail, Mixed Berry, lemon with Mint, Guava with Pulp. Cream Jar Mix, Cheddar Jar Cheese, Sliced Cheese, Square Cheese Portions, Block Cheddar, Halloumi Cheese. Yoghurt, Fresh Cream, Labneh, Layered fruit Yoghurt, Stirred Fruit Yoghurt, Sterilized Cream, Desserts. Tinned Cheese, Butter, Ghee, Mozzarella Cheese, Feta Cheese, Whipping Cream, Tomato Paste. Fresh laban, Fresh Milk, Flavored Fresh Milk, UHT Milk, Evaporated Milk, Advanced Nutrition. Triangled Cheese, UHT Flavored Milk, Zady Drinking Yoghurt, Zady Flavored Yoghurt, Zady Jelly Custard, Zady Fruit Dairy Snack. Product Strategies Product Strategy is the most important function of a company. Almarai was successful because of its unique blend of state-of-the-art infrastructure which includes farms, production operations and go-to-market system. The company distributes its products annually which covers more than 110 million kilometers in delivering dairy, juice, bakery and poultry products reaching up to 41, 797 customers across six GCC states. Ø Product Differentiation: In 1997, Almarai introduced fresh juice to complement the range of dairy products. Then the company for further expansion into bakery in 2007 with the acquisition of Western Bakeries. In the year 2009, poultry was added through the acquisition with Hail Agricultural Development Company (HADCO). During the same year, Almarai made acquisition with Mead Johnson Nutrition to form a 50-50 joint venture known as the International Pediatric Nutrition Company (IPNC). Ø Product Positioning: The way a firms product, brand or organization is placed on the market so it is easily acceptable and recognizable by the customers. * Almarai launches UHT Flavored Milk with different flavours which are targeted at kids. * Almarai enters into the market of baby food which provided the company the opportunities of expansion into new categories. Price Determination Almarai decides its price on the basis of competition. For example, for a pack of 300ml of Orange with Pulp is priced at Dhs 2.50 instead of Dhs 2.00. This pricing strategy makes consumers perceive the products to be affordable. All other branded products are priced between the ranges from Dhs 2 to Dhs 4. Pricing Strategy Pricing refers to the methods adopted by the companies to price their products or services. The cost to produce and design a product, its cost to distribute and promote it must be included in pricing. Pricing a product too high or too low could mean a loss of sales for the organization. Ø Cost Based Pricing:Almarai prices its products by following this strategy. It takes into account the cost of production and distribution, and then they decide final pricing for the products. Almarai milk as compared with Nadec Milk is less in price and also gives the same quantity as of Nadec. It is priced at Dhs 9 whereas Nadec Milk at Dhs 10. Ø Product Line Pricing: Pricing different products within the same product range but at different prices. For example, for a pack of 1.75L of Strawberry Juice costs around Dhs 8 whereas for a pack of 1.75L of Orange Juice is priced at Dhs 7. Distribution Channels used Almarai has long-haul fleet which transports raw milk from dairy farms to the Central Processing Plants and then it transports the finished goods from the production site to different designated sales locations. Almarai reaches to more than 42,000 shops within the GCC countries on daily basis. It ensures that the products are properly packed with appropriate temperatures for different products. The transports are specially designed so that the products are not spoiled and last for longer time. Almarai transports the finished to small grocery stores and supermarkets. Almarai enjoys increasing incomes and demands that come from supermarkets where one shop for ones weekly requirement in a single visit. Packaging Packaging means covering or protecting the product with one or more suitable materials for ease in handling, transportation and marketing. Packaging not only differentiates one brand from another but also gives a preview of the product. Almarai ensures that all its products are properly packed and refrigerated in proper temperatures so that the products maintain its fresh nature and quality. Liquid products are transported in those transports which has refrigerator facility so that it does not get spoiled by over time. Almarai mainly emphasis on quality. Packaging is done in a very clear and uncluttered way so that it is easily recognizable. Promotion Almarai promotes its products through adopting various medium so that the product reaches the customers effectively. Newspaper Campaign Front and inner page color advertisements in various popular newspapers like Khaleej Times, 7 Days, Gulf news†¦etc Radio Campaign Emphasizing on the taste promotional and discount factors which attracts flow of customers to buy the product. Discounts The products are given to customers on discount promotional basis which in turn earns not only increase in profit margin but also goodwill among the customers. For example, Recently Almarai gave discounts of Dhs 2 offer reduction on all its pack of 1.75L Juices which was a new attraction even among the competitors. TV Commercials TV ads are considered as the most common medium for promoting the product. Almarai does regular TV commercials on different channels. It makes the advertisement so attractive especially when it comes for Kids products. Billboards and Holdings Almarai uses even this medium to promote its products and also to make people aware of its discounts and offerings. Almarai has such sites in different locations where people presence is more. Questionnaire Dear Sir / Madam, I am a student of University of Bedfordshire conducting a Survey based on Almarai Company for my Marketing Course. I request you to fill this questionnaire. This data will be used only for educational purpose. Name: Gender: Occupation: Age: a) 15 25 b) 25 35 c) 35 45 d) Above 50 1. Do you drink Almarai Juices? a) Yes b) No 2. Which Flavor you like the most? a) Orange b) Mango c) Strawberry d) Lemon e) Guava f) Cocktail g) Mixed Berry h) Apple 3. Which Brand of Juices you like the most? a) Almarai b) Al Rawabi c) Rani d) Caesar e) Masafi f) Lacnor 4. What is the reason behind choosing your brand? a) Tasty b) Price c)Availability d) Like e) Advertisement f) Quality 5. How much Quantity you purchase the most? a) 200ml b) 300ml c) 1.75L d) 1L 6. Have you tried any other Almarai products other than juices? a) Culinary Products (Tinned Cheese, Butter, Ghee, Feta Cheese, Whipping Cream) b) Dairy Liquids (Fresh Laban, Fresh Milk, Flavored Fresh Milk, UHT Milk, Evaporated Milk, Advanced Nutrition) c) Home Snacks (Cream Jar Cheese, Cheddar Jar Cheese, Sliced Cheese, Square Cheese Portions, Block Cheddar, Halloumi Cheese) d) Yoghurts and Desserts (Yoghurt, Fresh Cream, Labneh, Layered Fruit Yoghurt, Stirred Fruit Yoghurt, Sterilized Cream, Desserts) e) Kids Products (Triangled Cheese, UHT Flavored Milk, Zady Drinking Yoghurt, Zady Flavored Yoghurt, Zady Jelly Custard, Zady Fruit Dairy Snack) 7. Attractive discounts are offered? a) Agree b) Disagree c) Neutral 8. Are you satisfied with the Quality? a) Agree b) Disagree c) Neutral 9. Would you recommend Almarai products to your friends? a) Agree b) Disagree c) Neutral 10. What is your overall opinion about Almarai? a) Very Good b) Good c) Bad d) Very Bad e) Neutral

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Nick Carraway as Narrator of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby Ess

The Role of Nick Carraway as Narrator of The Great Gatsby      Ã‚  In The Great Gatsby F. Scott Fitzgerald presents a specific portrait of American society during the roaring twenties and tells the story of a man who rises from the gutter to great riches. This man, Jay Gatsby, does not realize that his new wealth cannot give him the privileges of class and status. Nick Carraway who is from a prominent mid-western family tells the story. Nick presents himself as a reliable narrator, when actually several events in the novel prove he is an unreliable narrator. Although Nick Carraway may be an unreliable narrator, he is the best narrator for the novel because he creates the correct effect.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Nick Carraway wants the reader to think his upbringing gave him the moral character to observe others and not pass judgment on them. If this were true he would be a reliable narrator. A hint to Nick's true moral character is given on the first page of the novel when he misunderstands his father's advice. His father said, "Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone just remember that all the people in this world haven't had the advantages you've had." Clearly his father was telling him of the importance of not criticizing others, but Nick interprets this as a judgment on others (Donaldson 131). This shows how Nick's upbringing has actually made him a judgmental snob toward others. He is not partial; he judges and condemns nearly every character in the novel. He says Tom Buchanan has "Straw hair, a hard mouth, a supercilious manner, and a cruel body with which he pushes people around." Daisy Buchanan is described as insincere and snobbishly t hinks she "has been everywhere, and seen everything and done everything." Myrtle Wilson is sai... ...ich distorts everything. Nick is partial to Jay Gatsby because Gatsby has the guts to chase after his dreams. Gatsby represents the American dream; he rose up from the gutter to fabulous wealth and gets the chance to pursue the girl he loves.   He will never be able to have her though because he does not have the same class or status as Daisy.    Works Cited Daley, Linda. The Great Gatsby Website. 16 July 2000.  Ã‚   < Donaldson, Scott. "Fresh Approaches." Critical Essays on F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby.   New York: G.K. Hall and Co. 1984. 131-32. Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby.  Ã‚   New York: Simon and Schuster, 1992. 34. Taylor, Douglas. " Using a Dramatic Narrator to Present a Bifocal View." Readings on The Great Gatsby. Ed. Katie de Koster. San Diego: The Greenhaven Press, 1998. 147 - 51.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

George Handel :: Music, Operas, Allelujah Chorous

George Handel was one of the best composers of his time. Handel really didn’t grow up with music but when he got the hang of it there was no looking back. Handel was not your average child, he became great at what he did at a young age. â€Å"By the age of eleven, Handel was able not only to compose but also to give organ lessons(Kamien 169). Handel played several instruments and begin playing in operas before he was twenty-one. Handel father was important factor of his life, he was the one that let Handel pursue music full-time at a young age. â€Å"Perhaps to honor the wishes of his father, who had died when Handel was twelve, he entered Halle University at seventeen to study law(Kamien 169).† Handel later drop out of school and traveled to different places to pursue his music. George Handel wrote many operas and oratorios. Some of his first operas got him well-known in England. â€Å"He became England’s most important composer and a favorite of Queen Anne, who gave him a subsidy of 200 a year(Kamien 170). But with the good there’s always a bad. For a period of time, Handel shows were doing good, he even had his own company produce his operas but soon things would change. â€Å"Both opera companies went bankrupt as a result of the competition, and Handel suffered a breakdown(Kamien 170). In, 1741, George Handel produce one of his best works Messiah. â€Å"Handel stopped writing operas entirely(Kamien 170).Oratorios poured from his pen(170). Oratorios don’t have acting, and costumes like operas. Messiah still to this day is one of George Handel greatest works. â€Å"Messiah lasts about two and half hours and was composed in just twenty-four days(Kamien 171). Messiah did not get its success overnight but it took time to gain its su ccess. â€Å"Unlike most of Handel’s oratorios, Messiah is meditative rather than dramatic; it lacks plot, action, and specific characters(Kamien 172).†Messiah is still being use to this day. â€Å"Mozart made one, and still later versions are often played by orchestras for one hundred and choruses of several hundred(Kamien 172). Another one of George Handel great works is Hallelujah Chorus. â€Å"This is the popular name for the chorus that closes part 2 of Handel’s Messiah, which consist of three parts(Alison 1).† This chorus is known everywhere, you might have heard it or recognize it in church, movies, and plays. â€Å"In the Hallelujah Chorus, words and phrases are repeated over and over, as has been common practice in choral music for several centuries(Kamien 177). George Handel :: Music, Operas, Allelujah Chorous George Handel was one of the best composers of his time. Handel really didn’t grow up with music but when he got the hang of it there was no looking back. Handel was not your average child, he became great at what he did at a young age. â€Å"By the age of eleven, Handel was able not only to compose but also to give organ lessons(Kamien 169). Handel played several instruments and begin playing in operas before he was twenty-one. Handel father was important factor of his life, he was the one that let Handel pursue music full-time at a young age. â€Å"Perhaps to honor the wishes of his father, who had died when Handel was twelve, he entered Halle University at seventeen to study law(Kamien 169).† Handel later drop out of school and traveled to different places to pursue his music. George Handel wrote many operas and oratorios. Some of his first operas got him well-known in England. â€Å"He became England’s most important composer and a favorite of Queen Anne, who gave him a subsidy of 200 a year(Kamien 170). But with the good there’s always a bad. For a period of time, Handel shows were doing good, he even had his own company produce his operas but soon things would change. â€Å"Both opera companies went bankrupt as a result of the competition, and Handel suffered a breakdown(Kamien 170). In, 1741, George Handel produce one of his best works Messiah. â€Å"Handel stopped writing operas entirely(Kamien 170).Oratorios poured from his pen(170). Oratorios don’t have acting, and costumes like operas. Messiah still to this day is one of George Handel greatest works. â€Å"Messiah lasts about two and half hours and was composed in just twenty-four days(Kamien 171). Messiah did not get its success overnight but it took time to gain its su ccess. â€Å"Unlike most of Handel’s oratorios, Messiah is meditative rather than dramatic; it lacks plot, action, and specific characters(Kamien 172).†Messiah is still being use to this day. â€Å"Mozart made one, and still later versions are often played by orchestras for one hundred and choruses of several hundred(Kamien 172). Another one of George Handel great works is Hallelujah Chorus. â€Å"This is the popular name for the chorus that closes part 2 of Handel’s Messiah, which consist of three parts(Alison 1).† This chorus is known everywhere, you might have heard it or recognize it in church, movies, and plays. â€Å"In the Hallelujah Chorus, words and phrases are repeated over and over, as has been common practice in choral music for several centuries(Kamien 177).

Friday, October 11, 2019

Art Hist Paper 1

I chose to write about the â€Å"Sarcophagus Depicting a Battle Between Soldiers and Amazons (Warrior Women)†. A sarcophagus is a stone coffin usually bearing sculpture or inscriptions. Supposedly, This Roman cultured sarcophagus was dedicated for an important Roman soldier. It was built some time in between 140 A. D. to 170 A. D. and made out of marble. Sarcophagus were officially made by the Greeks, hence the pediment. Although this sarcophagus was built by the Romans they still added the triangular roof at the top of the coffin, which was also invented by the Greeks.The scene on this coffin is of a battle between men soldiers and female warrior amazons. The battle scene that takes place on this casket is very interesting; it depicts different kinds of symbolism, emotion, and is more expressive. As i started to analyze this sarcophagus, the first thing I noticed was the five columns at the top of the pediment running downwards, having a loons head at the end. That being the first part, and the vivid battle scene displayed right under that.The first thing that came to my mind when i saw the lions was how lions were used as a protective guardian figure in the ancient egyptian times, and it seemed as if these lions, or guardian figures, were watching over from up above, and protecting them. Also another thing i found interesting that was a little out of place to be put on this battle scene'd coffin was the image each four corners had. They all had the same image of a man and a woman kneeling down and also both faced down. he man is higher and looks as if he's on top of the woman, and it seems as if they're praying, or may even be asking for forgiveness.Their facial expression seems very focused and determined as to what they are doing. The four corners seem the most calm from the whole scene. As for the battle, which is completely opposite, has a very violent and vulgar environment being shown. The battle scene has a lot of raging actions being shown. The horses really caught my attention, because they all are in somewhat of a different stance. noticed the horses that are standing over the dead bodies look a little less energized and and ready to fight compared to the other horses. the horses over the dead body are looking down at the bodies and seem to have a depressed/gloomy look or expression. although the other horses are so full of energy and ready to win a battle. not only do the horses expression show that but the Amazons body structures! their body postures and positions show more aggressiveness than the soldiers.The soldiers look as if they are being attacked and were caught off guard. They seem to be moving back and away from the Amazons, while on the other hand the Amazons are not stopping and going to attack. Also the women riding the horses symbolizes somewhat of a powerful characteristic for them, since they are in control of the horses. it can very easily be compared to a Equestrian portrait type, in which a young, en ergetic horse is being controlled by a strong powerful person. Also being noticed is the weapons being used in this battle.Both are wearing helmets, and tunics. the Women are using swords and the men are wearing plates of body armor and are using shields. The soldiers seem to have a relaxed pose for them being in the middle of a battle. They don't seem to be too tensed, they are just simply leaning back and holding up their shield rather than facing the warrior women and actually fighting back. they seem to be in a composite, contrapposto stance. The dead bodies of the women's seem to be more idealized, rather than individualized. hey each have the same posture on the ground and look as if they died peacefully, even though the environment wasn't peaceful. Not only does this sarcophagus environment not seem smooth, but neither is the texture. The battle scene seems to have a rigid kind of texture due to the drapery looking effect from the tunics and also the detailed work on the anim als and human figure, for example the horses hair and the humans helmet. Although the top of the coffin, the pediment, seems very smooth since there is not much carved into in that area.This funeral bed uses a high relief technique, instead of the images being carved into a flat surface they seem to project out towards the viewer. Although there is no color used, the high relief causes a shadowing effect. Even though this sculpture is not in color you can still tell that there is movement taking place in this scene. You can tell the horses and the women riding the horse are in movement because most of the horses front legs are bent in the air while the back legs are bent on the ground, positioned like they are currently mobile. nd Also you can tell that they are in motion because the Amazons capes and tunics are being blow by the wind. the soldiers seem to be mobile opposed to the women seeming to be more immobile. The women are on horses while the soldiers are standing with both fe et on the ground. I also noticed that the coffin has a design going all around the bottom and the top of the scene, which reminded me of the Greek ionic order, as to being more decorative and having the pediment.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Should People in the Public Eye Expect Their Privacy to Be Respected by the Media?

Journalism is a field of work that requires an individual to balance the ethical aspects of invading another person’s privacy with getting the information they need to cover a specific story. It is becoming increasingly common to find out what a certain celebrity has said or done yesterday in today’s newspaper and magazine tabloids. Our society has become so fixated in watching and reading about others, that sometimes we forget that celebrities should have some privacy of their own. Stories in the headlines can range from what a certain celebrity orders from a fast food restaurant to information concerning a divorce settlement between couples. Every solitary move a famous individual makes in his or her life is documented in a photograph, editorial, or headline on a TV show dedicated to exposing their life. If famous celebrities cannot receive any amount of privacy, why should individuals like ourselves be guaranteed that our personal lives are not exposed to the world? Should not all human beings be able to keep certain aspects of their life personal? Journalists and photographers should realize that celebrities are human beings that would like to keep certain parts of their lives to themselves, and not have their lives consumed with photographs and editorials devoted to exposing all details of their life good or bad. The definition of public eye is people in the one, which consist of politicians, athletes, celebrities and other individuals who are famous. For my presentation we will be concentrating on the public eye and whether they should expect their privacy to be respected by the media. Media comes in various forms, with the more common ones being newspapers, tabloids, radio, paparazzi, internet, social media and many more. With the amount of attention numerous celebrities receive from the media, invading their privacy is just another part of a journalist’s job description. Such actions as going through another individual’s trash can lead to the next big headline on tomorrow’s magazine. Some journalists will ultimately dedicate their life to exposing someone else’s in magazine editorials and articles. The media is certainly abusing the rights they are given by exposing details of famous individual’s lives. Anything from celebrity scandals and breakups to private matters like divorce are always shown on TV shows featured on E News, which show the latest and most up to date stories. These shows will provide viewers with hard evidence including paper documents and photographs that depict a certain story. Stories dealing with breakups, for instance, the popular divorce between Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston after seven years of marriage, are sold to specific magazines for a large amount of money. Public eye privacy being invaded – a question that has been discussed over and over again in the media itself, the debate intensifying after the latest tragic break-ups by famous ex-actor and politician Arnold Schwarzenegger was caught having an internal affairs with his maid is to believed his privacy being invaded. Sought by celebrities, anonymous informers as well as ordinary citizens, privacy should be respected by members of the press – too often do journalists use techniques that show disregard for others' distress in order to â€Å"get the story†. However, in other cases, it is due to the publication of â€Å"private† details that hidden agendas and acts of corruption are brought to light. It is the amount of public interest involved that is more important in determining whether or not the press is justified in overriding privacy. The press – all members of the printed media, including newspapers, magazines, and tabloids – plays the important role of informing the public of what they need to know. This freedom of speech in the media is central to our democracy, as it means that the public's main source of information is independent of any of the authorities, and is thus more likely to present information in an unbiased manner. As stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, â€Å"Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. â€Å"It is the right to know, the publics right to access information, which allows us to keep a critical eye on our society and ensure the fair running of our country. However, another basic human right is the right to privacy â€Å"freedom from intrusion and public attention† as defined in the Oxford Dictionary. This includes privacy for the person, conversation, seclusion and personal information. That is, one should be able to lead a life without others following one all the time, eavesdropping on what one says, having one's every move under surveillance, and making public one's personal details. Such two basic human rights come into conflict when matters are to be reported in the media. What the press sees as information that ought to be made public may be considered private by the individual. 997 figures showed the privacy complaints made by both public personalities and private citizens, having tripled since 1994, stood at 9% of the total number of complaints lodged to the Press Council. Often when confronted with such accusations of intruding upon one's privacy, the journalist's defense is that it was in the â€Å"public interest†. This term, however, is rather vague. Many tend to define it as what the public is interested in – the kind of sensational news that increases circulation and sells papers. Yet this sacrifice of the individual's privacy for the entertainment of the general public is not â€Å"public interest†. In fact, it is the necessity of the public, as citizens, to have access to essential information. A great proportion of those mentioned in the media are ordinary citizens who, because of their experience of extraordinary circumstances, become significant. These people are most likely to be victims of crime or tragedy. In such cases, names, addresses, photographs and other details that would lead to the identification of the victim should not be published without consent. It is not imperative for the public to know the name of the victim because, after all, stories reported in the media are often far removed from the readers' daily lives that the name is of no more interest to them than a piece of trivia. Yet to the victim and his or her family and friends, publication of the name could mean embarrassment, harassment or even death threats from the criminal. In conclusion, the most basic form to freedom of expression and encourages the journalists to have public responsibilities as an honest and efficient journalist that respects the rights of others. The 8th code of ethics in MEAA is to ‘use fair, responsible and honest means to obtain material and never exploit a person’s vulnerability or ignorance of media practice’, meanwhile the 11th code of to ‘respect private grief and personal privacy. But again, it does actually depend on what situation that the public eyes are going through. Is it bad or good thing that journalism should report a story regarding on their private life or its just counted as an entertainment values as in the public interest that will do the rating of a certain story to put in the tabloids.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

What were the prevailing physical and social conditions in Pyrmont/Ultimo during the 1950’s?

Pyrmont-Ultimo was once a highly valued area for pre-Colonial Indigenous Australians because of the access to fresh water, fish and other resources. But by the 1950s, the once thriving industrial Pyrmont-Ultimo had fallen into decline. Near deep waterways, the peninsula was a hotspot for industries, manufacturers and shipping companies. The main forms of employment were from these major industries. The area featured industries that were some of the major distributors of flour, milk, wool and sugar in the country, as well as countless wool-stores. The wool-stores were popular businesses in these times. Steep slopes that led to the wool-stores were convenient for business, as the bales of wool would go down the slopes, be treated and inspected, and then sold off out of the factories. Wool stores on the peninsula employed thousands of men. The Ultimo power station was another big industry at the time. The main use of the power station was to supply electricity to the trams that were running throughout Sydney. The Ultimo power station employed hundreds of men and a few women too. The men of the neighbourhood would walk up and down the shipping yards looking for work, trying to make money for their large families. They would also look for work on the railway yards and the mills. Large industries closed and the area remained neglected for nearly forty years, merely a fossil of a once prominent area of industry. By 1954, the Pyrmont-Ultimo population was around 5,000. The area was filled with terraces, built for the working class community. Much of the population lived in these terraces, which were the most popular forms of housing in the area in the 1950s. Due to the area's previously highly dense population, many terraces were built close together, and with some of them reaching up to three stories high. With the construction of the â€Å"Pyrmont 13† passenger terminal, many migrants landed in Australia, bringing not only cultural diversity, but also the eventual social destructions of thousands of newly settled people seeking housing and work, adding on to the already high amount of poor looking for a chance to make a living in the area and provide for their families. The recreation for the people of the Pyrmont-Ultimo region was limited, generally going to one of countless pubs around the area, seeing the local football team play at the park or playing cricket in the streets. After going to work, most men would usually hit the pubs. Artefacts of these times include plaques outside the pubs, some of which read, â€Å"Please Remove Work-Boots Before Entering†. It was believed that owners of the pubs wanted the working class citizens out by as early as possible, with other signs displaying â€Å"Work Clothes Prohibited After 7.P.M†. These signs can be interpreted as an indication that the pubs in Pyrmont-Ultimo wanted more money by attracting the businessmen from the near-by Central Business District (CBD). The Pyrmont-Ultimo environment was generally unhealthy. Countless cases of black lung and cancer were discovered in people from the area, especially in the working-class men who were working and living in these parts. The wool-stores sometimes created many health problems for the workers and other people residing in their homes near them. The Colonial Sugar Refinery (CSR), trains and power stations polluted the air and water in and around the Pyrmont-Ultimo area. Question 2 – Identify and describe the changes that occurred in the Pyrmont/Ultimo area in the period from 1955 to 1975? Significant change took place in the Pyrmont/Ultimo area from 1955 to 1975. The freeway developments of the 1970s physically divided Pyrmont-Ultimo and threatened to destroy all sense of community. One of the first protests was against the demolition of the terrace houses in Fig Street, which were to make way for the North Western freeway. They rebuilt some of the terraces, but they also started building units. A lot the industries moved out west in these times. Pyrmont/Ultimo began to go into Urban Decline and soon into Urban Decay. Changes to industry and development affected housing, employment, as well as the health and leisure of the people. Employment rates dropped dramatically and people were finding it hard to keep a roof over their heads. Many people went elsewhere for recreational purposes, with the large amount of bars going broke, causing them to close down. Many people got depressed when they became unemployed, causing crime rates to rise dramatically. Drugs and alcohol became very common, causing communal bad health levels in the community. Communities gradually started to fall apart, and the area was nothing like what it used to be. The collapse of a once booming society, followed by the collapse of industrial occupation, created a wasteland, causing many people to subsequently move out of the area. Question 3 – Why did these changes occur? What were the determining factors for the changes? These changes occurred because many people were forced to move into other areas when the freeways were getting built and as the industries were beginning to move out west. The industries primarily moved out of the Pyrmont-Ultimo area and out west because they were encouraged by the government to move out into the western districts, which were much affordable than the current locations. Employment rates plummeted as the industries moved out west. Some of the workers moved west so they could keep a job and continue to support their family. Recreation in the area also changed as many people moved away or simply didn't have time anymore, due to the decreasing wages for the jobs that stayed in the area. The only ‘recreational' thing people could now do was to drink their troubles away down at their local pub. People started drinking more regularly because they were becoming depressed, which led to liver damage, other widespread health diseases in the community, and a further increase of poverty in the area. The increase of people drinking made people more hostile and violent. People were also suffering social problems as they either no longer had jobs, or were earning small amounts of money. The community crumbled because people either had to move for work or stay in the area without jobs and therefore no longer afford to live in the Pyrmont-Ultimo area anymore. By the 1960s, the wool-stores moved out of the area to move to new industrial facilities in southwestern Sydney. This marked the fall of the formerly industrious area. During the 1970s, the Pyrmont-Ultimo had become derelict, making it an unpopular residential area. The construction of wool-stores, power stations and factories caused the deconstruction of countless homes and a decrease in population, before the eventual demise of the Pyrmont-Ultimo area (In 1975, the population of Pyrmont-Ultimo was 1800, while in 1955, it was 5000). Question 4 – How did the Pyrmont/Ultimo area change in the 1980's? Explain the factors responsible for these changes? During the 1980s in Pyrmont-Ultimo, new terrace houses were built and abandoned warehouses were transformed into new residential housing facilities. This caused people to start to move back into the area. Casinos replaced wool-stores and power stations as the industries of the future. Derelict buildings were converted into offices and commercial buildings were constructed in the area. Along with these buildings and new offices came greater job opportunities available to the people. In the mid-1980s, the State Government chose to redevelop Darling Harbour as the heart of the 1988 Australian Bicentennial festivals and celebrations. The Convention and Exhibition Centres, The Sydney Aquarium, a major retail shopping complex, the National Maritime Museum, Chinese Gardens, restoration of the Pyrmont Bridge and the development of larger open spaces were constructed in the Darling Harbour area. Rather than sitting in a pub, the new recreational activity was to go to the casino, though a large number of people still enjoyed the atmosphere of the pubs and clubs. The social side of Pyrmont-Ultimo was increasingly getting better. The area was becoming a community again. Health was also becoming getting better, with drug use and alcohol-intakerapidly decreasing. Pyrmont-Ultimo was going through Urban Growth and, subsequently, underwent Urban Renewal. Question 5 – Has the environment and community of Pyrmont/Ultimo benefited from the changes that have occurred since 1950? Justify your answer with reference to primary and secondary data. The housing environment today compared to the 1950s is greater developed. Today, larger units have been built compared to the small terraces of the 1950s, and a now must-have 10% open-space agreement has been created, meaning that 10% of the property must be open-space. The industries in the area are also further advanced nowadays; office blocks and gaming buildings are bigger and better than ever before, as well as some older industries to liven up the mix. Employment rates have greatly increased today than in the 1950s, as many people work in the newly established offices, gaming buildings or recreational buildings near their homes, even though there is great opportunity for people searching for work. Better recreational facilities have also been installed in the Pyrmont-Ultimo community, with casinos, museums, malls, food courts and other shops to go to today, as opposed to the local pub back in the 1950s. Social problems have greatly decreased since the 1950s, and Pyrmont-Ultimo is once again considered to be a great community. Health in Pyrmont/Ultimo is also better, as there is less pollution from factories, power stations and other industries. Although there is still pollution from cars, pollution levels are much less that what they were in the 1950s.