Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Reflection Paper for Tayuman Home for the Aged Essay Example
Response/Reflection Paper for Tayuman Home for the Aged Essay Example Response/Reflection Paper for Tayuman Home for the Aged Essay Response/Reflection Paper for Tayuman Home for the Aged Essay Exposition Topic: Confused Fun Home The office we visited is situated close Tayuman LRT Station In Manila City. We went to an altruistic office run by nuns and supported by a private association likewise works through gifts. After showing up to the office, I had blended sentiments and had no clue about what's in store as this was my first time. Indeed, first time experience consistently astounds me and never stops to shock me. At the absolute first sight I had to the occupant older folks of the office, cluelessness began to bug me off. It isn't so much that I dont have my grandparents and had no experience how to manage them. However, it was the inquiry on in what capacity will I start and how am I going to move toward one of them. At that point my colleagues were set for their beginning and scattered to the office to locate their own casualties. I was starting off on a cold and abnormal foot, I began to move toward one of the alone older folks, however felt that nothings going to happen the two of us, directly off the bat I realized that there was no association, compatibility and science, LOL. So I went empty for some time again and headed out to a perceptive mode. At that point out of nowhere, shockingly, a male senior said something to my heading. From the outset, I idnt get what he was attempting to state so I approached him to ask what he said. Blast! It was humiliating on my part as the old resembled the person who exploited me to draw in to a brilliant and pleasant discussion. So there it goes, the conversa tion went to draw in myself and a portion of my colleagues (Gerone Migz) with the male older. We discovered that his name is Santiago, he is sixty years of age, used to be a security monitor and was a casualty of stroke. He can not walk anymore and was on a wheelchair, and left piece of his body is now stationary. Conversing with him, we discovered that he was initially from Pasig. It was on my cognizance that I must be wary of my inquiries despite the fact that our discussion was working out in a good way. I avoided questions with respect to family. I dont need proceed to go about as a sparkplug of something that I may lament at long last, so I remained erring on the side of caution of addressing. So we went on with our discussion with him Tatay Santiago concentrating on his inclinations and glad minutes about masculinity. Haha! We continued discussing ball, he was basically connected with to our subject and here were two or multiple times I saw favor his face. I felt like upbeat in way. Initially after setting off to that place, it was Just similar to a fulfillment thing for me, something I Just wanna dispose of. In any case, no, it was unique, after observing the older and after knowing Tatay Santiago, it felt extraordinary, some way or another it felt satisfying on my end. These elderly folks individuals need family, family that will deal with them. It was thoughtful ofa cycle at the rear of my head. Reality nibbles, we as a whole have our own family while we are still on our prime. We endeavor to give our family what they need and need so hen the future comes, they can remain all alone and when we go old, itll be the reverse way around, its like we are anticipating that something from them should restore some help. Its like Im trusting that they will likewise deal with us later on. Honestly, I still dont recognize what truly happened to Tatay Santiago why he wound up there and not with him. During his prime, he had such huge numbers of indecencies; he used to smoke, drink and used to go through his evenings on clubs, drawing in to bar young ladies, etc. Yet at the same time, I cant Just Judge him dependent on his accounts, need to assume the best about him consider the possibility that, his family as Just not fit for supporting him, particularly his uncommon clinical needs. To summarize it, I despite everything took in a ton from the experience, from Tatay Santiago. While we are still in our prime, particularly when we as of now have our own family, we should cherish our family, work for them, take a stab at them and obviously live glad for them. Well never realize what may befall us tomorrow, in our future. It isn't so much that I dont need to wind up like them, however for me, Id love to carry on with my life to its fullest for family while I can. So whatever occurs, regardless of whether I end up like them, I will have no second thoughts by any means, ecause I lived, buckled down, strived and making an incredible most with my family while I am capable. Harmony and love for everybody! Gracious incidentally! How we wound up with Tatay Santiago is yet to be uncovered. Haha! Joking aside, in the long run they needed to return to their rooms and it was additionally an ideal opportunity for us to leave. So there you go, we were still erring on the side of caution after leaving as some way or another, we sort of maintained a strategic distance from them feeling like they are by and large deserted again and they didnt see us leaving. So there you go, that resembled my own side of anecdote about this life-changing school action.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Eyes Of The Dragon (2124 words) Essay Example For Students
The Eyes Of The Dragon (2124 words) Essay The Eyes Of The DragonThe subject of the book, The Eyes of the Dragon, by Stephen King, is to adhere to ones convictions regardless of what occurs and consistently do what one knows is correct. Dont abandon oneself; the sky is the limit. Ruler Roland was the respectable lord of Delain. He was known as Roland the Good. He was, by a wide margin, not a terrible lord, however he was truly not an incredible ruler. He intended no mischief and was effective, however at whatever point he intended to do extraordinary things, he was by all accounts ineffective. Roland, ruler of Delain, had two children and had put forth a valiant effort to raise them without a spouse. Dwindle, the most established, was a lot of like his dad. He was fruitful at staying away from damage of the realm. Moreover, he was by all accounts increasingly effective at the extraordinary things he endeavored. Indeed, even as a young man, Peter was cherished by the realm, and many were anticipating his rule as lord. At the point when Peter was simply a kid, he faced developed men for what he had confidence in. This was the reason the realm cherished and valued him. In one occurrence, Peter was going through the stableyard when he saw a faltering pony going to be executed. Diminish instructed Yosef, the castle installation, to stop. Subsequent to belligerence, Peter figured out how to persuade Yosef to allow Peter one hour to discover a veterinarian. Diminish was to demonstrate to Yosef that this pony would not bite the dust whenever dealt with. Barely shy of an hour later , Peter and the veterinarian returned. The veterinarian listened intently and concurred with Peter. The pony could never be a working pony again, yet it would unquestionably make an incredible pet for Peter. This was just the start of Peters knowledge and just a trace of the regard he would before long acquire. We will compose a custom paper on The Eyes Of The Dragon (2124 words) explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now Thomas was somewhat extraordinary. He was calm, so nobody was extremely certain about him. He did baffling things. The residents of Delain were happy Thomas was the more youthful child, for nobody needed Thomas as ruler. Any individual who endeavored to, could become a close acquaintence with Thomas and acquire his total dependence. This extraordinary shortcoming caused the defeat of Delain. Roland had gotten subject to his entertainer, Flagg. Roland was a decent man, yet he wasnt sharp. It was not known, however Flagg had traveled every which way commonly consistently. He had gone back and forth with one uncompleted objective. It was lucky for Delain that Flagg would in general be fruitless with his arrangements. Roland the Good was getting old, and it was broadly realized that he would before long be leaving the crown to Peter. Baffling news as it seemed to be, numerous firmly trusted Peter would do extraordinary things all through his rule. Subside before long grew up, and however he recognized what was coming to him upon his dads passing, Peter despite everything wished his dad numerous years to come. It had become convention for Peter to take two glasses of jump to his dads room before resigning. Each man, glass close by, sat together essentially getting a charge out of the organization. This, in addition to other things, made Thomas troubled and very desirous. Thomas accepted that he had no family to cherish. He had assumed the fault for his moms passing and accepted his dad and sibling had likewise accused him. It was most likely due to this that Thomas had no companions, no certainty, and scarcely a will to live. Flagg, the splendid performer that he was, utilized Thomas shortcoming to further his potential benefit. Flagg had endeavored commonly to wreck Delain. He held up a seemingly endless amount of time after year lastly his possibility emerged. He hadnt totally worked out the subtleties, however he realized things would work out for him. Thomas and Flagg turned out to be very close. Flagg realized he would at last total his lifes work, and Thomas would place his whole soul into getting what he had consistently needed, a companion. Thomas trusted his each however with Flagg, and Flagg demonstrated incredible truthfulness. Flagg knew all the privileged insights of the palace due to his traveling every which way consistently. Through the eyes of Niner, a monster Roland had slaughtered, there were peeping openings. Through a back foyer, one could locate the shrouded entry way that prompted the peep openings. Flagg told Thomas of this, and it had implied a ton to Thomas. This was to become Flaggs serious mix-up. .uc257f021b5bd8501f22e5c09814c1fe9 , .uc257f021b5bd8501f22e5c09814c1fe9 .postImageUrl , .uc257f021b5bd8501f22e5c09814c1fe9 .focused content zone { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .uc257f021b5bd8501f22e5c09814c1fe9 , .uc257f021b5bd8501f22e5c09814c1fe9:hover , .uc257f021b5bd8501f22e5c09814c1fe9:visited , .uc257f021b5bd8501f22e5c09814c1fe9:active { border:0!important; } .uc257f021b5bd8501f22e5c09814c1fe9 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uc257f021b5bd8501f22e5c09814c1fe9 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; mistiness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uc257f021b5bd8501f22e5c09814c1fe9:active , .uc257f021b5bd8501f22e5c09814c1fe9:hover { haziness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uc257f021b5bd8501f22e5c09814c1fe9 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relative; } .uc257f021b5bd8501f22e5c09814c1fe9 .ctaText { outskirt base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content design: underline; } .uc257f021b5bd8501f22e5c09814c1fe9 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uc257f021b5bd8501f22e5c09814c1fe9 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; fringe: none; fringe sweep: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content adornment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-stature: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc257f021b5bd8501f22e5c09814c1fe9:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uc257f021b5bd8501f 22e5c09814c1fe9 .focused content { show: table; stature: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uc257f021b5bd8501f22e5c09814c1fe9-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uc257f021b5bd8501f22e5c09814c1fe9:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Summary of Behavioral Genetics EssayOne day, a brilliant arrangement came to Flagg. The performer utilized an extraordinary toxic substance he had put something aside for quite a long time only for the event. This toxic substance was no standard toxic substance. It would consume an individual from the back to front after basically breathing in it. While working with the toxin, Flagg wore gloves and utilized tweezers. Subsequent to setting off to the window to slowly inhale, Flagg would labor for a couple of moments, and take cautious measures not to take in the exhaust. In a glass, he took a modest quantity of toxic substance and blended it in with Rolands most loved wine. Taking more, Flagg opened up a confine and took care of it to a mouse to watch the misery. The rest of the toxic substance was set in a little wooden box taken from Peter years back. The container had been a present from Peters mother with his name engraved in the top. Flagg, knowing about Peters daily convention, went to Rolands bed chamber with the glass of wine to get rid of his ruler. Flagg held up until he was certain Peter had left and nobody would see him enter. Since guests were getting rare in his mature age, Roland was happy to see him. Subsequent to drinking their wine, the two men consented to turn in. Despite the fact that he realized it was to improve things, Flagg wished he hadnt needed to leave what was to turn into a night recall. Flagg left that late evening reasoning he would be the last to see Roland alive. He wasn't right since another person would see the end uring Flagg had exacted. Another person would be the last individual to see Roland alive. Flaggs serious mix-up had found him; Thomas had seen everything. Thomas had seen everything through the eyes of Niner. The following day, workers announced Rolands demise. It was likewise a hireling who discovered Peters long wooden box. On the off chance that conditions had been extraordinary, Peter wouldve been excited to see the significant blessing. Shockingly, Peter was crushed to hear that the toxin used to murder his dad had been found in that container. Dwindle was captured, attempted, and sent to the Needle forever. Since Peter was sovereignty, he wouldnt be condemned to death however rather condemned to carry on with an amazing remainder on the pinnacle through chilly, warmth, and depression. In the event that Peter had been Thomas or some other man, he wouldve surrendered and passed on soon enough. Subside consistently had trust, and scanned continually for an approach to get away. It didnt take Peter long to acquire the regard of the disturbing noble men accountable for him. Inevitably, they would bring him nearly anything he wanted, at a cost. Subside had no cash; in this way, he attempt ed his karma with an old companion. He had a letter conveyed to Penya, and he consented to help in any capacity conceivable. Penya, subsequent to accepting Peters letter, decided to put stock in Peters guiltlessness. He pledged to make every effort to free Peter. To keep Peters recently earned benefit, he utilized it sparingly. He requested his moms dollhouse and a napkin with every dinner. As nobody wouldve surmise, Peter had an arrangement as of now as a result. From every napkin, Peter pulled five strands of texture. This may appear practically nothing, however it started to include. Utilizing the working weaving machine in his moms dollhouse, he started making a rope. Things in Delain had gotten terrible for the residents. With Flagg managing through Thomas, charges had been raised, brokers needed to turn out to be progressively exacting with contracts, and an incredible dread fell over the land. Along these lines, numerous individuals started to leave their homes, ranches, and lifes work to cover up in the backwoods. Penya was remembered for the move. The backwoods gave a sheltered spot o
Friday, August 21, 2020
Our top ten posts of 2017 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Our top ten posts of 2017 COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog Happy New Year everyone! Its 2018. Can you believe it?! Heres a look at our top 10 blog posts from 2017. With a couple of days left before our general deadline this Friday, Jan. 5th, we have some last tips for you to submit an outstanding SIPA application as well as insight to our community. #10: Tips on the short essay policy question #9: How NOT to write your personal statement #8: When youll receive your admission decision #7: A Quantitative/Language resume breakdown #6: Whats with the GRE/GMAT and TOEFL/IELTS? #5: The best cafes on campus (because, well, food is important) #4: What Fall 2016 admitted students should know going forward #3: Top 10 tips for communicating with us #2: Next steps for Fall 2017 admitted students And drum roll please. The #1 blog post of 2017 was: How to access (and prepare for) the admissions video essay We hope youve enjoyed time with your loved ones during the holidays. Good luck on the application!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Legacy Of The Golden State - 1633 Words
The Golden State has been portrayed and imagined as a state that had the potential of becoming a beacon of modernity, originality and beauty. Boosters of the region sold California as a romantic destination that rivaled scenarios from the country it tried to emulate, Spain. This imagination brought forth growth, both economically and socially, to cities like Los Angeles but with danger and controversy in their way. In the process of building a defining image for California, these boosters embraced but erased the people and cultures that existed in California before the arrival of the Anglos. They essentially took away what these cultures had built upon in California and took them as their own while keeping these cultures out of the picture. This racial exclusion persisted throughout 20th century California. One city where this exclusion was persistent was Los Angeles which throughout much of its 20th century history, the habitants of Los Angeles practiced racial exclusion both explic itly and implicitly. Such arguments like the rise of suburbanization, natural disasters having a double standard in terms of social class and the exclusion of the races in Californiaââ¬â¢s history warrant that the city and state alike had problems in dealing with racial tensions; so much so that the booster tried so seemingly to hide from everyone else. Regardless, everyone living in Southern California was put in danger by these boosters who kept information about the nature of the area from all itsShow MoreRelatedImpact Of Sports In The 1920s884 Words à |à 4 Pagesââ¬Å"The 1920s has been called the Golden Age of American Sportsâ⬠(Sumner par 1). The roaring twenties had many sports icons and many sports upcomings. 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During his lifetime, he studied variety of subjects and brought knowledge to all aspects (Blackburn). He viewed that as a human, a subject whoââ¬â¢s determined goal is to reach virtue and Arà ªte, is connected with nature and its balance (Golden Mean). Aristotle also viewed a good life as political questions. He analyzed that humanââ¬â¢s basic shape of desire and aim is formed at the age of six (Hare). The good life, then, was defined by Aristotle as ââ¬Ëthe activity of the soul in accordance withRead MoreCase Study : Heineken s Beer Market1607 Words à |à 7 Pages MGMT720 Project Team 4 Paper Topic: Heineken in Myanmar Assignment C: Personal trust building Matthew Luk Introduction: The Myanmarââ¬â¢s beer market that has long been dominated by Myanmar Brewery, a state-owned firm which is closely connected with the Myanmar military, with ~80 percent market share. 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Instead the legacy of his life remains with the the individuals he has a made an impact on. His love rests in the soils of the earth as he has reaped the rewards of kindness and rewarded to every individual. I imagine that as my Grandfather passes the age the eighty five years old a golden cord is tied between him and my great grandmother. This golden cord is vital lifeline between theRead MoreExplain the Archaeological/Written Evidence of the Uniqueness of Tutankhamunââ¬â¢s Tomb in the Eighteenth Dynasty.1264 Words à |à 6 PagesExplain the archaeological/written evidence of the uniqueness of Tutankhamunââ¬â¢s tomb in the Eighteenth Dynasty. Tutankhamun was an Eighteenth Dynasty pharaoh whose legacy extends to the present, and currently one of the best-known ancient Egyptians of all-time. The ââ¬Å"Boy Kingâ⬠inherited the throne at the age of nine, his reign lasting only ten years before his sudden unexpected death. The traditional burial customs and funeral processions were carried out upon him, but the tomb he was laid to restRead MoreUnderstanding The New Kingdom Of Egypt1723 Words à |à 7 Pagesagriculture, Nubian Pharaohs, religion, and war. Of particular interest is the manner in which this historical knowledge is repeatedly made relevant in todayââ¬â¢s world. Culture Spanning approximately 1550 to 1070 BCE, the New Kingdom of Egypt represents a golden age, one which was almost the opposite of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt in terms of its accomplishments. Some of the most prestigious names of ancient Egypt come from this period, such as Hatsetshup, the female pharaoh, Thutmose III, Ramses II, theRead MoreThe Roman And Roman History1542 Words à |à 7 PagesEmperor Augustus ruled over a period that is known as the Roman Peace (Pax Romana), from his reign in 27 B.C to his death in 14 A.D. In Virgilââ¬â¢s character Anchises (As seen above), Augustus is portrayed to have brought to fruition a golden age in Roman history. His ability to turn Rome from the ravages of civil war into a prosperous empire was accomplished through the harnessing of his exceptional administrative powers. Emphasis placed on religious reinvigoration and social reform helped forge a
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Implicit and Explicit Personality Essay - 955 Words
Psychologists have long suspected that people do not have good access to their own thoughts and feelings and that self-exploration is subject to introspective limits. Empirical evidence supports this view. What results is a compelling claim for measurement procedures suitable for the assessment of cognitive processes that remain obscured if people are simply asked to report them. In ââ¬Å"Implicit and Explicit Personality: A Test of a Channeling Hypothesis for Aggressive Behaviorâ⬠The authors proposed that self-beliefs about personality influence the channels through which people express their implicit motives. On the basis of this hypothesis, the authors predicted that self-beliefs about aggressiveness would influence the channels throughâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦In accordance with the basic foundation of such models as the five-factor theory of personality, people can convey a vast amount of information about themselves through the expression of certain relatively endur ing patterns of thoughts, feelings, and actions. In addition to being easy to interpret, self-reports are also used because they are an inexpensive and relatively quick way to collect a lot of data. Though there are many strengths of using self-reports to measure psychological constructs, there are also potentially a number of weaknesses. First, the structure of the questions affects whether the reported information accurately measures the construct under consideration. Self-reports are a fallible source of data, and minor changes in question wording, question format, or question context can result in major changes in the obtained results. There are many potential problems with the errors made by the respondent. Self-Reports leave a lot of room for response biases, which involve a systematic tendency to respond to a range of questionnaire items on some basis other than the specific item content. For example, people often respond in such a way that presents them in a more favorable light, even if these responses do not reflect how they actually think or behave. Lack of credibility due to biased responding is a major issue because it could impede the validity of theShow MoreRelatedVideo Games And Aggression : A Debate Between Socialization Hypothesis And Selection Hypothesis1740 Words à |à 7 Pagescrimes. More import antly, given the results that video game exposure did not have a direct effect on violent crimes or aggressive personality, but aggressive personality did predict violent crime, it is suggestive that some aggressive individuals would actively seek out examples of violence which is in accordance with the selection hypothesis that it is the aggressive personality that drive people to seek for aggressive exposures, including violent video games.. Although these two studies respectivelyRead MoreAn Integrative Typology Of Personality Assessment For Aggression999 Words à |à 4 PagesWhen it comes to selecting an employee for a job position, personality comes into play on account of the fact that it can affect behavior in the workplace. Whether positive or negative effects, it is important for the possibility of aggressive behavior to be considered as to avoid hiring persons who prove to be dishonorable toward the business through their negative actions. After reading ââ¬Å"An Integrative Typology of Personality Assessment for Aggression: Implications for Predicting CounterproductiveRead MoreThe Importance of Memory767 Words à |à 4 Pagesone. Memory plays a big role in our life. It is the processes by which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved. Everything we see, we do, we think, will goes to memory and transform to implicit or explicit memory. Which will be saved in our brain. We could recall it anytime, even Iââ¬â¢m using my implicit memory to type this report. Simply, our daily life is formed by memory, without it, weââ¬â¢re nothing. Why? If we donââ¬â¢t have memory, we canââ¬â¢t learn. Learning requires memory, if weââ¬â¢re unable to learnRead MoreTheories Of Development Of Self And Personality Processes1496 Words à |à 6 Pagesconcepts of assimilation and accommodation by explaining how affect develops. In your own words, explain how Labouvie-Vief (2005) describes the process of affect development. Provide YOUR OWN real-world example. Theories of development of self and personality processes have centered on structural or dynamic processes. Labouvie-Vief (2005) outlines a theory, called Dynamic Integration Theory, which suggests that these two aspects can be joined by expanding on Piagetââ¬â¢s concept of representation as a relationshipRead MoreEducation Plan For Grade Implicit Attitudes And Bias1514 Words à |à 7 Pagesto Grade Implicit Attitudes and Bias What applications can be used to identify and address the hidden impulses of racial bias? Implicit attitudes develop early within every culture, where race is categorized by age 5 (Hirschfeld, 1996, 2001). While reviewing the developmental process of implicit attitudes in youth when introduced to social groups, it helps researchers understand their significance on an individualââ¬â¢s emotional decision making skills. The level of implicit and explicit attitudeRead MorePsychology Within Inside Out1018 Words à |à 5 Pagesswept from headquarters through the dump tube and Sadness follows. With Joy and Sadness gone, Anger, Fear, and Disgust are the only emotions left in headquarters; therefore, Riley cannot be happy or sad. Because Joy and Sadness are absent, Rileyââ¬â¢s personality islands diminish one by one. Riley fights with her family, pushes away from her friends back home, and loses interest in hockey. As Joy and Sadness navigate through Rileyââ¬â¢s brain in search o f a way back to headquarters, they encounter many obsticlesRead MoreImplicit And Explicit Behavior : An Evaluation And Procedures For Future Studies1593 Words à |à 7 PagesAbstract The research is based on ââ¬ËImplicit Social In-Group Bias.ââ¬â¢ This research regards the work of Greenwald, A. G., McGhee, D. E., Schwartz, J. K. L. It was predicted that, thereââ¬â¢d be a faster reaction time in the young and positive condition then the young and negative condition. 248 participants were used. The administration of IAT (Implicit Association Test) helped assess the distinction of the individualââ¬â¢s characteristics, associating ââ¬ËYoungââ¬â¢ and ââ¬ËPositiveââ¬â¢ to measure the cognitive processRead MorePresidential Elections 2016 Presidential Election1551 Words à |à 7 Pagesfigures, portrayed in these comedic parodies, as well as explicit and implicit messages sent through those parodies. While Republican Party and its leading candidate Donald Trump have given a large volume of reasons for mockery, it is interesting to observe the Democratic Party and the main points that result in the comedic mockery of the debates between the candid ates. The main point is that the difference between the implicit and explicit messages has narrowed, mainly as the result of the informationRead MoreImplicit Of Implicit : Implicit Cognition And The Development Of Thought, Emotion And Behavior1676 Words à |à 7 Pagesempirical research that provided evidence of the significant role implicit cognition has in the development of thought, emotion and behavior. These studies were able to use quantitative methods to help support conceptual frameworks built on past studies. Several of these studies examined the predictive value of implicit cognitions. For example, Back, Schmukle, and Egloff (2009) presented empirical evidence that implicit personality predicts the corresponding behaviors related to neuroticism andRead MoreSolution Focused Group Therapy for Depressed Individuals1360 Words à |à 6 Pagesconstruct validity, assessment and diagnosis of personality disorders. They integrated contributions made from various leading clinic ians, researchers, and scholars supporting the group therapy. The authors incorporated information about proposed personality retention in DSM and details about slated deletion personality disorders (Constantino, et al 2008). It is evident that the differing arguments presented and concerns about work-group personality disorders of DSM-5 provided significant recommendations
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
A Easy Tip About Model Essay Samples Exposed
A Easy Tip About Model Essay Samples Exposed Within this section you'll find samples of essays belonging to different essay types and manners of formatting. Lastly, the detail of true speech makes the scene pop. You don't need to be a walking thesaurus but a small variance can make the exact same idea sparkle. Anything you must finish your paper quickly and qualitative. Remain true to the theme, and you'll get a coherent piece that will get you a fantastic grade. Make your order to find the best academically distinctive and structured paper. Using Model Essay Samples Sooner or later, however, remember that fantastic writing doesn't happen by accident. Feedback from many of people is quite important if reflecting about a session. When designing training sessions it's important to regard the childhood of that kid. When creating training session it's crucial to think about the childhood of that kid. The One Thing to Do for Model Essay Samples Friendship is necessary for the thriving wellbeing of every individual. Folks may also turn to their social relations for advice when they will need to purchase something. My buddies say I am an incredibly funny and an intriguing girl with a very good sense of humor. True friends attempt to steer clear of conflicts and do everything possible to create their relations stronger. There's no ideal solution on how best to compose an effective essay. Our service also provides free essays which is an element of what makes us unmatched. Though the conclusion paragraph comes at the conclusion of your essay it ought not be considered an afterthought. Use particular reasons to come up with your essay. To compose an impressive short essay, especially during an examination, you have to be in a position to hit the question and give a straightforward answer while at the identical time observing the most suitable structure of an essay. Bridget's essay is extremely strong, but there continue to be a couple little things that could be made better. Stephen's essay is quite effective. Examine the model essay and read the comments. On the flip side, supply denotes the quantity of the product which the market can provide. The Melton model has an advantage in case it's utilised to execute the capital structure arbitrage, for example, determining and profit from the mispricing of the specific sort of debt that's the equity for a single firm. In the instance at hand, the rise in the expense of raw materials that organizations use to generate Good X' will cause an overall increase in their operational expenses. Another important benefit of Melton model is the fact that it features the ver y best intuition together with linking debt and equity rates. If people succeed, it is due to hard work. They do many different things to stay healthy. They tend to choose a number of themes of who they are and try to describe them all. Some people think that university students should be asked to attend classes. Hearsay, Deception and Model Essay Samples On the flip side, a reduction in income leads to the decrease in demand and a corresponding decline in price, provided that the supply and other determinants stay constant. On the flip side, the growth in inputs will cause a decrease in supply and consequently, a rise in prices. The quantity demanded refers to the quantity of the good or service that customers are prepared to purchase at a particular price. The simplest way to find out the form of an essay is to realize the writer's point of view. As soon as you have answered that question, you're ready to go. There's no topic too tricky for our experts. All you will need is an excellent example which is going to be a good starting point for your writing. Things You Should Know About Model Essay Samples To evaluate whether the session was cost effective, there are lots of elements to take into account. Section Two Melton model assists in generating the default probability for those businesses that are being investigated at any certain time. Regardless of what's the aim of your essay, there's a preset number of points you will be expected to deal with. Even the most well-known examples need context. India's large and increasing workforce is extremely skilled as a consequence of improving educational system. It is crucial to implement awareness to other healthcare personnel in the hospital and other clinics to make sure that the danger of confusion is not going to happen later on. A role model ought to be confident and demonstrate leadership abilities. In the subject of healthcare, there are models which are always needed to be thought ab out by the nursing and health care professionals.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Super Smash Bros. free essay sample
If you hear various noises coming from my room: ââ¬Å"waah,â⬠ââ¬Å"yahoo,â⬠ââ¬Å"ahhhh,â⬠ââ¬Å"noooo,â⬠ââ¬Å"dang it,â⬠ââ¬Å"yesâ⬠thatââ¬â¢s the sound of people playing the video game Super Smash Bros. My older brother Joseph, his friends, as well as myself, would spend countless hours beating the snot out of each other in this game. The whole concept of the game is to choose one of several characters from throughout Nintendoââ¬â¢s history and smash your opponents off the stage by any means possible. The violence of the game can become so intense that the entire on screen sight looks like a sea of flames. The people my brother and I usually played with were T.J. and Randy. Sometimes we played with some other people other than T.J. and Randy like Tucker or any of our younger brothers. The characters we choose are usually the same: Link for Joe and Randy, Samus for T. We will write a custom essay sample on Super Smash Bros. or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page J., and Mario or Fox for me. Every now and then someone wins a bunch of games, which causes us in real life to go berserk and start yelling at each other or start a fist fight between us due to the competitiveness of the game. This can cause a tussle between Joe and Randy due to their being the best players. T.J. and I arenââ¬â¢t as bad because T.J. doesnââ¬â¢t care as much and Iââ¬â¢m more level-headed than the rest of them. Once we were playing Super Smash Bros. at T.J.ââ¬â¢s house and his mother came in to get some laundry and noticed the rankness. ââ¬Å"It smells like a locker room in here,â⬠she exclaimed. We all looked at each other and then at the empty bean dip cans. Weââ¬â¢re as addicted to Super Smash Bros. as a druggy is addicted to pot, and there is no online feature until the next game comes out.
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Cootes Paradise an Example by
Cootes Paradise The Cootes Paradise wetland is located at the west end of Hamilton Harbor, a natural bay on Lake Ontario. It supports a wide variety of plants and animals and is an important habitat of the region. During our field visit, we evaluated the various components used by the Southern Ontario Wetland Evaluation System (SOWES) to understand the value of the wetland in the ecosystem. Need essay sample on "Cootes Paradise" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed According to SOWES, the four components to be evaluated include Biological Components, Social Components, Hydrological Components and Special Features Component. Due to time limits, only an abbreviated evaluation was carried out of three of the four components. The Special Features were not evaluated. Based on the scores obtained, the Cootes paradise wetland is an extremely valuable habitat of the region. We shall now look at individual scores to further understand the value of the wetland. People Usually Tell EssayLab specialists: Who wants to write paper for me? Specialists suggest: Best Essay Writing Service Best Website To Buy College Papers Write My Paper For Cheap Essay Writing Service The Growing Degree-day is greater than 3600 and the soil type is a mix of clay, sand, and silt. Additionally, the wetland type is the marsh. These factors bring the Productivity score to 34.3 which is among the best score. Hence, the Cootes Paradise wetland has a high productivity value. The total biodiversity score is 63. Considering that this is only an abbreviated score, it is quite high. This shows that the wetland is biologically extremely diverse and increases its value as an important habitat. Also, according to the royal Botanical garden, it is the most important waterfowl staging habitat and the largest nursery habitat in the region. Based on the findings of our field visit and its importance as a habitat for some of the rarer species, Cootes paradise can be considered a wetland with high biodiversity value. Cootes paradise got a very high score of 157 even in our abbreviated evaluation of the wetland. According to the Royal Botanical Garden, the urban location of the sanctuary makes it a vital link to other conservation areas in the region. Put together, this shows the high social value of the wetland. Evaluating the wetland for Hydrological factors also shows the high value of Cootes Paradise in retaining the regions hydrological balance. On our abbreviated scale, Cootes Paradise obtained a score of 45.1. Thus we see that the wetland has extremely high value for biodiversity, social and hydrological factors. The Government of Ontario has designated Cootes Paradise as a Provincially Significant Class 1 Wetland. This highest designation by the Government of Ontario further confirms the findings of our field visit. Even historically, the wetland has always held an important place. This was recognized as early as 1927 as can be seen in an article published in the Toronto Mail and Empire ( Thus, we see that the Cootes paradise is an extremely important wetland in the Ontario Region of Canada. Reference "Nature Sanctuaries: Cootes paradise." Royal Botanical Garden. History of Cootes Paradise."
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Remember Me essays
Remember Me essays Every different genre of novel has different characteristics. With a mystery novel these characteristics included are a victim, suspects, witness, and investigation, secluded area, new found illness or even a character having many flashbacks of some horrible past event. In the novel, Remember Me by author Mary Higgins Clark, through use of setting, character and structure creates an extremely intense element of suspense. The details provided for the setting help to create a suspenseful atmosphere. This novel takes place at a newly entered home by the Nichol's family; one which contains a lot of history and many rumours and speculations. Throughout the story, Menley, the lead character is researching history about Remember House. her new home, in order to write her next short story. Menley, through her research, finds out about Mehitabol the past owner of the house who has a lot in common with Menley. For example Her tone of voice was so urgent. She said that Mehitabol was innocent. p.g 225? This leaves the reader constantly wondering why these two are so alike. Another quote which helps add suspense to the atmosphere is spoken by the Nichol's neighbours. Inside the house? she managed to mumble. Is something inside the house, dear Tobias Knight.? she mumbled. p.g. 268? This makes the reader question if maybe there is something haunting Remember House. Discussing the characters leads to a suspenseful tone or a mysterious mood. There are two different people that add to the suspense due to an odd illness and/or problem. This problem is something that continuously creeps up in the storyline. The character of Menley Nichol's continually proves this to be true through her actions. Many times others that care for Menley show a real concern for her mental health and well being. For example I see, I think we?d better increase your medication. I reduced it last week and I think that it might have b ...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Financial n accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Financial n accounting - Essay Example In past, these systems include manual processes but now due to technology advancement the accounting information system changed into Computerized Accounting Information System. Improvement in technology have replaced manual accounting system with computerizes ones. As computers become faster, less expensive, and easier to use; all organizations are using computers in their day to day business. With the help of computers, companies can now capture, process, store, and transmit data. It controls the topics which are related to organizationââ¬â¢s economic- financial area. It helps in decision-making process, performance evaluation, facilitating companyââ¬â¢s transaction and in internal controls through computerized accounting information system. It combines concepts and accounting principles to record, process, analyse the financial information and then produce it to its end users for the purpose of making economic decisions. Firmââ¬â¢s performance can be improved, through oper ational efficiency and increased profitability (Fowzia and Nasrin, 2011, p.1). Software tools in the Computerized Accounting Information System (CAIS) Accounting software This software consists of basic accounting functions like input, processing and output. There are two types of accounting software i.e. low-end software and high-end software. Personal computer based accounting system enable companies to provide better and timely information. Income tax Currently tax preparation software is available for companies. So, even in a short period of time complex calculations can be done. Audit Trial balance software helps auditors to handle different types of adjusting entries, to input the working trial balance and mechanically compute the adjusted trial balance. Word processing Word processing software is used by the accountants to prepare reports, memos, billings and financial statement. Graphics software It is used by the managerial accountants and auditors to graph the data in repo rts and financial statements. Image processing It captures electronic image of data so that it can be stored and shared. Accountants can process all the electronically by just scanning the paper documents in computer. Electronic data interchange A company can exchange documents electronically with other company with the help of electronic data interchange. Electronic funds transfer It enables companies to make collections and payment electronically. So, if companies are in a view to pay for accounts payable to a supplier, it can do it with the help of electronic fund transfer. Purpose of Computerized Accounting Information System Computerized accounting information system (CAIS) can be single programs or even part of a larger system like enterprise resource planning. The purpose of the system is to reduce manual steps in accounting process and offer automated activities in order to improve reporting. Every function plays a minor part in accounting information system. Individual func tions include accounts receivable, accounts payable, fixed assets, payroll, general accounting and cash management. CAIS often have modules that enable accountants to handle financial information related to their accounting tasks. Use of CAIS in the functioning of Organization CAIS saves time, reduce errors and eliminate waste by adopting
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Art of Modern China Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Art of Modern China - Article Example t in china is a reflection of the western cultural tendencies that depict the political and social developments in a post-industrial revolution world (Andrews & Shen 30). Contemporary Chinese art reflect a westernized artistic style that has Chinese roots. Xu Beihong falls among the first Chinese artist who articulated on the need for Chinese artistic expressions to reflect modern china. Biehong believed in the connection of art and life and the need for artist to focus on the truth through realism than just focusing on the aesthetic value of a painting. From his realistic perspective, Biehong believed that painters could engage further with their environment surrounding and the viewer get to understand better bout lifeââ¬â¢s true meaning. An analysis of Beihongââ¬â¢s painting ââ¬ËTian Heng and his 500 retainersââ¬â¢ can provide a deeper understanding of modern art in China. Xu Beihong gets regarded as the pioneer of modern art in China. His artistic works bear a significant western influence. He was born in Yixing, Jiangsu in 1895. He was primarily revered for his art paintings of horses and birds. Xuââ¬â¢s career began at a young age under the tutorship of his father who was an artist. He studied oil painting and drawing in Paris under a scholarship from the Chinese government. His travel to Western Europe enabled him to understand and incorporate western art techniques (Ward). His artistic style encompasses both of the east and west. His exposure to western painting traditions provided background for his advocacy for a realist approach in Chinese art and thus his vital role in the transformation of modern Chinese art. He came up with the notion of applying western scientific methods and integrating a western approach such as shading and perspective in his works (Biehong & Xu 109). His realistic approach to art enabled his paintings to evoke human feelings and universal themes. He believed that his artistic expressions of birds and horses symbolized the will of the
Monday, January 27, 2020
Sudoku Puzzle Design Algorithms Computer Science Essay
Sudoku Puzzle Design Algorithms Computer Science Essay Our project is called generating, rating and solving Sudoku puzzle. The aim of the project is to design and develop Sudoku puzzle solving program by generate the puzzle with five differences difficulty rating level. The program is able to solve the Sudoku puzzle by using some Artificial Intelligent algorithm. The final year project development period is given two trimester and we divided the development process into two part. The first part is to develop the problem specification, design, generating and study on some Sudoku solving algorithm which to be done by trimester one. Part 2 of the project is developing the complete Sudoku solving program and this part will be done by trimester 2. Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Introduction Sudoku is logic based number-placement puzzle. It designs with 99 grids so that the digits 1-9 appear exactly once in each row, each columns, and each 33 sub grids (also called as blocks) that compose the grid. Each Sudoku puzzle created with a unique solution, which typically means that there is only one correct way to fill in the 81 grids. The aim of the project is to design and develop Sudoku puzzle solving program using the artificial intelligence algorithm. First at all the Sudoku configuration program would be able to generate the puzzle with five differences difficulty rating level, which are very easy, easy, medium, difficult and expert. The program also able to solve the Sudoku puzzle as well as providing the chances of having tips while they achieve the specify condition which could help the player to solved the puzzle when they get stuck. An interesting Sudoku puzzle is the one with the minimal hints given. The puzzle should be generated with a single solution. So, knowledge for the rules of Sudoku is very important which the digit 1-9 need to be appear exactly once in each rows, each columns, and each 33 sub-grid. Then a 99 empty grid need to be created and filled in with the digit 1-9 by following the rules to create a complete puzzle. The next step is to begin removing digits from the completed Sudoku puzzle randomly to create the game. To generate a symmetrical puzzle, we need to randomly remove the singleton from the row, column, or block, following by naked pairs, naked triples, hidden pairs, hidden triples, and pointing pairs accordingly. The techniques used to remove the cells decided the difficulty level of the Sudoku puzzle. Lastly, the program is able to solve the Sudoku game by using the AI algorithm like simulated annealing. 1.2 Problem statement People nowadays always busy for working and cope for the challenges on their life. With the increasing busyness of the life, stress become a common issue that faced by the society. A long term of facing a particular problem will make a people to feel pressure and stress themselves badly. Therefore, they need some break to take their mind off from working materials before they continue to work. Sometimes, a challenges mini game like Sudoku can helps to exercise their brain and reduce stress. Besides, with the fast growing of the technologies today, most people are able to obtain the advance electronic device like PDA, laptop, and so on. So the Sudoku puzzle game is not the game that is only published in the hardcopy such as newspaper or Sudoku book. Therefore Sudoku game can be installed in their electronic device so that they can bring it anywhere. 1.2 Scope Scope of the project is generating the Sudoku puzzle with different difficulty level and solves the Sudoku game. The scope covers: Allow user to select the difficulty level of the Sudoku game. Generate a complete Sudoku puzzle by following the Sudoku rules which are the digits 1-9 appear exactly once in each row, each columns, and each 33 sub grids. Remove cells to create a valid Sudoku games according to the difficulty level that the user selected. Allow user to input the digit 1-9 into the empty cells of the puzzle. Highlight the incorrect input of digit with red colour. Solve the Sudoku games. 1.2 Objectives Understanding the algorithm behind Sudoku puzzle. Identify an algorithm to generate a complete Sudoku puzzle with the rules that the digit 1-9 appear exactly once in each row, each columns, and each 33 sub grids. Identify the ways of removing cells from the complete Sudoku puzzle to create a valid game. Generate Sudoku with different difficulty level. Identify the algorithm to solve the Sudoku puzzle. 1.3 Project Schedule Project Schedule Management Gantt Chart Tasks Activity Start date End date Duration(days) Task 1 Research and study relevant material 7/6/2010 27/6/2010 21 Task 2 Planning development process 28/6/2010 4/7/2010 7 Task 3 Implement Prototype for Generating 5/7/2010 8/8/2010 35 Task 4 Test Program and Fix error 9/8/2010 14/8/2010 7 Task 5 Amends report and prototype 15/8/2010 29/8/2010 14 Task 6 Validate interim report and Submission 30/8/2010 1/9/2010 1 Chapter 2: Literature Review 2.1 Nature of the problem Sudoku puzzle is a famous game among the worldwide. Most of the newspaper has a long history of publishing the Sudoku games such as The Times, Sin Chew Daily, and so on. The games in hardcopy required user to use pen or pencil to finish on the paper and the number of games are limited. So, in this project, a program is created to generate the Sudoku puzzle games. User does not need to use an extra writing material like pen or pencil to complete the Sudoku games. They just need a mouse to interact with the game. Other than that, the program is able to solve the Sudoku puzzle as well as identify the puzzle is solvable and have a unique solution. User also can enter the Sudoku games that are not generated by the program and solve it by using this program. 2.2 Background The origin of Sudoku is from Switzerland (By a Mathematician Leonhard Euler) and then travels to Japan by way of America. Su is the Japanese character with the meaning of number and doku means single. In another word, it called single number which means that for each column, each row, and each sub grid, it can only contain the digit 1-9 without repetition. In this project, we need to consider some important things like the cost that we need, the purpose of this project, the target user of this program and so on. Cost that we need to use is to complete the project in 24 week period. The purpose of this project is to create a program which can generate the Sudoku games with different difficulty level as well as able to solve the Sudoku games. Sudoku is a game that suitable for all generation of the people. The program is able to generate the game in 5 different difficulty levels which is very easy, easy, medium, hard, and expert. Level very easy and easy are suitable for the children, medium is suitable for the adults, hard and expert are suitable for those who are experienced in the Sudoku games. 2.3 Literature Review 2.3.1 The Science behind Sudoku Sudoku is a game of numbers, but it does not have anything to do with mathematics such as addition or multiplication. A Sudoku grid is a special kind of Latin square that named by an 18th century mathematician-Leonhard Euler. Latin square is an n x n matrices that are filled in with n symbols in a way that the same symbols appear exactly once in same row and column. The number of valid Sudoku grids is 6,670,903,752,021,072,936,960 which proved by the use of logic and computers. The minimum numbers of hints that a 9 x 9 Sudoku puzzle can start with and the solution can still remain unique seem to be 17. This mean for any Sudoku which is having the hints that less than 17 will make it cannot guarantee a unique solution. C:UsersVinZDesktop1.pngC:UsersVinZDesktop2.png Figure 1.An example of the minimal hints for a Sudoku puzzles and still guarantee with the unique solution. C:UsersVinZDesktop3.pngC:UsersVinZDesktop4.png Figure 2.An example of a Sudoku game with 16 hints provided and leads to two solutions. To solve a Sudoku puzzle, the most common way is backtracking. First, the program places a number 1 in the first empty cell of the Sudoku puzzle. If the number is compatible with the existing hints, it moves to the second empty cell and place a 1 again. When it encounters a conflict or clash with other existing hints, it erases the number which just placed and enters number 2. If it is invalid again then proceed with 3 or the next legal number. After the legal number placed, it moves to the next cell and start again with number 1. If the number that placed and it is still not compatible with the existing hints is 9 (9 is the largest number in Sudoku puzzle), the program will backtrack and increase the precious cells number by one. After that it moves forward until it is clash with other existing hints and backtracks again. Sometimes the program needs to backtrack for several times before it can move forward. Backtracking technique is good and fast when apply in a program or machine, but a human player need to spend more time to finish the game using this technique. So they used smarter ways for solving Sudoku and generally turn to method trial and error method at last of the solving part. 2.3.2 A Pencil-and-Paper Algorithm for Solving Sudoku Puzzle To solve a Sudoku puzzle, it involve with the widely known concept of matching numbers across cells. In another mathematical point of view, we name it as pre-emptive sets. The most important technique to solve the Sudoku puzzles is based on two things, which are the (i) definition of pre-emptive sets and (ii) the occupancy theorem. A mark up puzzle can help to solve the Sudoku puzzle with more efficiently by writing down the possible number that can be filled into the empty cell. C:UsersVinZDesktopmarkup.png Figure 3.Example of a mark-up Sudoku puzzle. Pre-emptive sets: A pre-emptive set composed of the digits 1-9 and is a set of size m, where: 2 {[n1, n2, , nm], [ c(i1,j1), c(i2,j2), , c(im, jm) ]} Where 1= C:UsersVinZDesktop852.png 3459 459 6 23478 1 2348 234579 24579 2345 Figure 2.Pre-emptive set For example, the figure above consist of a pre-emptive set {[3, 4, 5, 9], [c(7, 1), c(7, 2), c(8, 3), c(9, 3)]} with size 4. Occupancy theorem Suppose that x is a number that listed in the pre-emptive set and it lies completely in one column, or row, or a sub grid, so there can be no occurrence of x for the column, or row, or sub grid that outside of the pre-emptive set. Firstly, the algorithm use method 1 and method 2 to complete the puzzle until it cannot continue further. Method 1 is to figure out the Force cell which is the cell that can be determine by eliminate the impossible number (number that already existed in the same column, row and sub grid) that occupy the cell. Method 2 is to figure out the possible number for the empty cell that can be determined by checking the same number which occupies the cells in the column and row of the sub grid. After that we look for the pre-emptive set from each column, each row, and each sub grid. Try to break it into several smaller pre-emptive set and cross out the number according to the occupancy theorem. For example in Figure 2, the pre-emptive set is {[3, 4, 5, 9], [c(7, 1), c(7, 2), c(8, 3), c(9, 3)]} with size 4, it cross out the number that are not inside the pre-emptive set. In figure 2, digits 8 and 2 in cell c(8, 1) and c(9, 1) can be determined directly after the number had been crossed out. So apply again method 1 and method 2 to figure out other possible number. Clearly then, repeat again the process untill it cannot find out any pre-emptive tes ot until the sudoku puzzle is solved.if the result seem to be violated, then the sudoku game is a unsolable game. Metaheuristics can solve Sudoku puzzles Before the simulated annealing can straightforward, representation, neighbourhood operator and evaluation of candidate solution need to be defined. Representation used to assign each empty cell a value randomly, but every sub gird contain the digit 1-9 exactly once. During the process, neighbourhood operator choose two different non-fixed cells (the cell which filled in by randomly) in the sub grid and swap them. Two of the non fixed cells to be swap must be in the same sub grid to make sure the criterion of each sub grid contain the digit 1-9 exactly once. Cost function used to evaluate the candidate solution by looking at each row and column, and then calculate the number of values that are not present. For example in figure 3, 1 and 2 had repeated two times in the first row, so the score of that row is 2. Note that the complete solution of the Sudoku puzzle will have zero of cost. C:UsersVinZDesktop854.png Figure 3 Here, simulated annealing start with a candidate solution s and a neighbour s. s is accepted if s is better than s (according to cost function) or with the probability: Exp (-ÃŽà ´/t), which ÃŽà ´ = proposed change in the cost function, t = control parameter (as known as temperature). t, temperature is very important to expend the Simulated Annealing and lead to the success. The initial temperature should allow majority if the moves to be accepted, approximately 80% (according to Van Laaehoven Aart (1987)). During the process, temperature is reduced according to the simple geometric cooling schedule. A formula, = use to make sure the temperature decrease according to the cooling rate. Note that , so the largest value of is less than 1, such as 0.9999. For example, value of is 0.9999 will cause the temperature drop slowly, and the value of is 0.5 will make it drop faster. Furthermore, the use of homogenous Simulated Annealing schema takes the form of a sequence of Markov Chains that generated at the fixed value of t. The t is then changed in-between subsequent chains (Van Laarhoven and Aart, 1987). The value of t here is also very important as it decided the time to explore of the search tree and also the run times. The size of the problem-instance defined by the non-fixed number in the grid where: ml = ml = size of the problem-instance. = the function that indentify the number of cells in the are non-fixed. By using this formula, the value can allow each pair of the non-fixed cells have a good chance to considered at least once per Markov chain.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Enders Game :: essays research papers
Orson Scott Card weaves an intricate tale of a boy who is born to save the Earth in the novel, Enderââ¬â¢s Game. Ender Wiggin is born a Third in a world where only two children are allowed per family. Enderââ¬â¢s older brother and sister, Peter and Valentine, were not what the government needed to save the world, so Ender was born in hopes that he would be somewhere in the middle of their extremes. Peter is too violent, whereas Valentine has too much empathy. Ender is the right combination for the Battle Schoolââ¬â¢s needs. Although both Ender and Peter have power, only Ender has respect; both boys are instinctive killers, but Peter relishes the act while Ender regrets the act after he does it; Both boys become heroes, but both will not remain heroes when the historians begin to examine the events. Although Peter and Ender both have power over other people, the means of obtaining the power and the way each boy uses his power is different. Peter obtains power by terrifying people. Everyone knows he is capable of cold-blooded murder, so they do as he says because it is in their own best interest. Also, he has the power of influence on the nets (networks similar to the internet), which he uses to sway the public. Once Peter has gained power, he uses the power to benefit himself. He uses people as pawns to accomplish what he wantsââ¬âto rule the world. Ender, however, gains his power by simply being superior at all the games. He becomes commander of an army, but doesnââ¬â¢t use the army to gain anything for himself, except to be number one in the standings. He makes the people in his command better soldiers by teaching them what he knows. He allows the toon leaders to make decisions in battles, so that the whole army doesnââ¬â¢t rely on him, entirely. Both Peter and Ender kill throughout the novel. Peter kills innocent squirrels and animals. He threatens to kill Ender and Valentine if they do not do as he says. It is quite clear that he enjoys these activities. He shows no remorse for the dead animals he leaves in his wake. Ender, however, kills out of defense and feels great remorse. He never intends to kill anyone that he kills. All the deaths he inflicts are accidental, yet justified at the same time.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Gender Equality in Beowulf
Woman had political power over the Danes, were used as peace weavers, and were very violent, and strong. The importance of women in Beowulf can be seen through the political power that the women had on the Danes. In the poem, the author introduces two queens, named Wealthiest and High. Both of them developed an important role of being the hostesses. Although, they pleased and served men whenever they needed, Wealthiest and High had enough power to establish a hierarchy in the hall. Having to carry the cups around in order to give it to the king, and his warriors was not a simple task for women.When Whole-wheat first appeared in the poem, ââ¬Å"she graciously saluted the men in hall, then handed the cup]first to Warthogs, their homeland's guardian, urging him to drink deep and enjoy desiccates he was dear to themâ⬠(43), the queen is making it clear that Warthogs is the most powerful king in the hall, by handing him the first feasting cup. High tries to convince Beowulf to take the position as king, because she ââ¬Å"had no belief in her son's ability;to defend their homeland against foreign invaders.Yet there was no way the weakened nation Could get Beowulf to give in and agree Tot be elevated over Heard s his lordâ⬠(161), women had power when it came to politics, because they were aware of what was going on. High began to make important decisions of who will become the next king, and her decisions could change everyone's lives. Women were highly significant through their role of being peace weavers, because men were able to use them as a form of possession.The author introduces Hilbert, and Freeware, both women who had to marry a man from a rival group in order for peace to be established between the tribes. Hilbert, and Freeware did not marry because they were in love, but simply or convenience, since the tribes believed this would help them gain amity. Hilbert was the first woman that was introduced as a peace weaver, ââ¬Å"a Danish princess ma rried to the Frisian King Finn, loses her son and her brother Hanna in a fight at Fin's hallâ⬠(71), Hilbert was first mentioned in a story that was performed by the kings poet after Grenade's death.Then, Freeware was introduced through a story that was told by Beowulf. ââ¬Å"Most often after the fall of a prince in any nation the deadly spear rests but a little while, even thought the bride is goodâ⬠(35), Beowulf is predicting that Freeware will marry in order to create peace, and believes that peace- weavers will soon create hardships and war. Women can behave just as violently, and can be just as strong as any men they have encountered. Grenade's mother and Motherly are the perfect representation of powerful women in Beowulf.Grenade's mother was very fearless, because she ââ¬Å"had been forced down into fearful waters, the cold depths, after Cain had shellfish father's son, felled his ownÃ'Å¡brother with a swordâ⬠(89). After the assassination of her son, she de cided to seek vengeance, rather than forgetting the incident ever happened. Grenade's mother died while fighting with Beowulf, because she wanted to gain back her sons honor. Then there was the Great Queen Motherly, the one that was capable of anything. If any retainer ever made blotto look her in the face, if an eye not her lord's;stared at her directly during daylight,;the outcome was sealed: he was kept abounding hand-tightened shacklesâ⬠(1 33), many people were afraid of her because she was known for murdering many innocent man who have entered her hall, or even looked her in the eye. Even though they were both physically different, they were very powerful and strong women. In conclusion, women have always been an important part of society even though they are not vastly appreciated.
Friday, January 3, 2020
Corporate Social Responsibility Of Cigna Corporation
Cigna Corporation is a global health service company dedicated to helping people improve their health, well-being and sense of security. Cigna Corporation is in over 30 countries and jurisdictions and has over 89 million members throughout the world. (CSR Profile of Cigna Corporation, 2015). This essay we will review Cigna Corporation social responsibility, to see if they contribute to society through good business practices, by providing good work environment, good citizenship and solving social issues. We will incorporate terms such as sustainability, strategic philanthropy, cause marketing, shared value, stakeholders, and global perspective. We will see if Cigna Corporation really following the corporation social responsibility of theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦(Cigna Connect Corporate Responsibility Report, 2014) Cigna Foundation has been carrying out corporate philanthropy for over 50 years. This is only a part of their social corporate responsibility and their goal. Cigna corporate philanthropy goal is to bring Cignaââ¬â¢s mission and brand promise to individual and communities around the globe. (CSR Profile of Cigna Corporation, 2015). The foundation has been able to accomplish their goals by focusing on charities and nonprofit organization that has enhanced the health of individuals and their families. , which has health to bring well being to the community. This foundation has shown us that their responsibility has gone beyond economic and legal obligation; they have show the community that they can volunteer in the community; give donations to nonprofits, and just sharing their given talent to help others. Cigna foundation cause marketing is a part of the philanthropy that contributes to the purchase of products. The purchase of the product will help to raise funds for the nonprofits or the charity as well as the awareness of the organization. When the social responsibility and profit combine we have a shared value. In 2013 Cigna came up with a campaign for Cigna and society. The goal was to include, reduce waste, by shredding paper, and recycle ink and toner cartridges as well as cans and plastic. The
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